3/7/2016 Entry Task: Open your books to page 156 and get out your annotated poem “We grow accustomed to the Dark.” Objective: SWBAT paraphrase; and.

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Presentation on theme: "3/7/2016 Entry Task: Open your books to page 156 and get out your annotated poem “We grow accustomed to the Dark.” Objective: SWBAT paraphrase; and."— Presentation transcript:

1 3/7/2016 Entry Task: Open your books to page 156 and get out your annotated poem “We grow accustomed to the Dark.” Objective: SWBAT paraphrase; and identify the stanzas, meter, feet and iamb used in a poem.

2 Poetic Structure of the First Line
How many metrical feet does the first line contain? / / / / We grow accustomed to the Dark - 4 Tetrameter (four meters)

3 Poetic Structure of the Second Line
How many metrical feet does the second line contain? / / / When Light is put away - 3 Trimeter (three meters)

4 Analyze the Structure How does ending the line with a one-syllable words such as, “Dark” and “Lamp,” impact the reader’s experience? Are all the stanzas the same structure?

5 Paraphrase lines 16-20 Paraphrasing is putting the text in your own words. As people’s eyes grow used to the dark, there’s a change. Either the night turns out to be less dark, or their vision adapts to the darkness. In either case, everything seems normal.

6 Interpret the Meaning of the Poem
What is the poem literally talking about? What is the figurative meaning of the poem? (metaphorical meaning)

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