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War and British Conquest

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1 War and British Conquest
Chapter Five War and British Conquest

2 Why fight for Acadia? Britain and France For the Mi’kmaq
Was a great location Could attack each other easily Great for protecting colonies Great for protecting trade routes For the Mi’kmaq Was their homeland

3 What Acadia was like: French and Mi’kmaq had an alliance because French used land Mi’kmaq weren’t French set up digues A barrier usually made of earth, that separates land from water. Built them to prevent the ocean from flooding marshes that they wanted to farm French had lived in the area for many generations Acadia was taken over by the British from the Treaty of Utrecht There was lots of conflict over the colonization of the area, especially by the Mi’kmaq

4 France builds Louisbourg

5 Britain responded with

6 The Great Deportation Oath of Neutrality in 1730 (would have to stay neutral if fight between France/Britain) 1755 Oath of Allegiance was expected so Acadians would fight with British Acadians refused so they were deported (sent out of the country) Some Acadians escaped (New France/Mi’kmaq Acadians were removed; their land, homes, and possessions taken from them Were sent to the Thirteen Colonies, England, and France

7 Effects People were uprooted from their lives
Mi’kmaq lost friends, alliances, families Cajan community in the USA developed Established themselves mostly in Louisiana

8 Why deport Acadians They lived in an area that was very strategic
Acadians were Catholic/spoke French (more in common with the French) Acadians had way more people than the British (2:1) British assumed they couldn’t trust them because of French background


10 Prejudices What it all comes down to…
A negative generalization about a group of people based on uninformed judgements The British jumped to conclusions about the Acadians

11 Impacts Today Acadians still live throughout the Maritimes
Still lots of pride Made New Brunswick an officially bilingual province Some consider it genocide or ethnic cleansing

12 Seven Years’ War Basically France and Britain trying to get control and destroy each other Ended up becoming a world war with other countries getting involved/picking sides Lots of war for land in North America War ended with the Treaty of Paris

13 Treaty of Paris 1763 Ended to Seven Years’ War
France gave up all North American claims for Guadeloupe (island in the Caribbean) Kept the island of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon in North America Stopped retaliation of British Enabled settlers to keep their religion

14 Nice……

15 The Battle of the Plains of Abraham
1759 between the French/British at Quebec British captured Quebec (capital for French) French retreated to Montreal but came back to defeat the British at the Battle of Sainte-Foy British retreated to Quebec French surrounded Quebec to force the British to run out of supplies Both British/French were waiting for supply ships, bad weather made the French ship turn around British ship arrives with supplies/troops

16 Pontiac and Minweweh Pontiac was leader of the Odawa Nation
He organized an alliance of First Nations to oppose British takeover Minweweh was an Anishinabe leader who was an ally Englishman, although you have conquered the French, you have not conquered us! We are not your slaves. These lakes, these woods, and mountains were left to us by our ancestors. They are our inheritance; and we will part with them to none. (pg. 159) Led to an agreement with the British in 1765 where the British would not have the rights to First Nations land even though they beat the French


18 Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudeuil de Cavagnial
The last governor of New France Surrendered to the British in 1760 after the battle of Sainte-Foy Tried to protect the Canadiens/allies of the French while negotiating for the Treaty of Paris Canadiens could practice Catholic faith Made it so the Canadiens could remain home…in Quebec


20 Britain Establishes Control
Actions they took…

21 The Royal Proclamation of 1763
Wanted to assimilate the Canadiens Made the Province of Quebec with a British-style government Like the government of the Thirteen Colonies (which is????) Catholics weren’t allowed to hold government positions French civil law was abolished (seigneurial system gone, tithes to Catholic Church gone) Encouraged Thirteen Colonies settlers to move into Quebec Told them they couldn’t move West, so move to Quebec!!! Made it so people couldn’t settle in “Indian Territory” Waited for the First Nations to come to agreements with Britain first


23 The Quebec Act of 1774 The American Revolution scared the British and the Canadiens were not giving up on their culture/heritage Quebec Act gave back some rights to Canadiens Made it so the French culture/language could remain Were allowed to practice their religion Important because people still consulted clergy about decisions, even politics Could hold government positions If they signed an oath of loyalty to Britain Reinstated French civil law Changed the boundaries of Quebec to have vital fur trade territory Did not consult the First Nations about this….


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