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Character Archetype for the Mythic Hero

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1 Character Archetype for the Mythic Hero
Hero and the Quest Character Archetype for the Mythic Hero

2 Folktale Hero… Very ordinary person, a step-child, or a neglected youngest child No superhuman abilities, but might be special in other ways (kind, clever, or resourceful)

3 Mythic Heroes… 1. Usually have a remarkable birth or childhood
2. Often offspring of a god and a human (or born of royalty) 3. Born under unusual circumstances 4. Show early signs of being special 5. Go on a quest

4 A quest is…. A journey taken in search of something of value
This could be…. A person Concrete object (treasure, magical charm) Abstract concept (truth, meaning of life) A search for his roots

5 Hero and the flaw Mythic heroes often have…
a character flaw (usually pride--hubris) flaw causes them to fail on their quest

6 Mythic hero quests often involve…
…a descent to a dark, frightening place that other humans dare not enter If hero survives, he/she often brings back something to share, such as… new knowledge a renewed attitude greater compassion and wisdom

7 Mt. Sunion

8 Mt. Sunion

9 Mt. Sunion

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