The Acts of the Apostles

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Presentation on theme: "The Acts of the Apostles"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Acts of the Apostles
Acts 13 – The Word Of This Salvation Sunday – August 13, 2017 Many of the slides used in this presentation are prepared by Joe Price and are used and adapted with his permission.

2 Which Chapter Is It In? ______ The establishment of the church. ______ Paul's address at Antioch. ______ Persecution of the church by Saul. ______ Arrest of Peter by Agrippa I, and Peter's miraculous release. ______ Saul (Paul) brought to Antioch by Barnabas. ______ Paul's vision at Troas. 2 13 8 12 11 16

3 Which Chapter Is It In? ______ Paul's speech on Mars hill in Athens. ______ Paul and Barnabas called gods at Lystra. ______ The soothsaying maiden cleansed in Philippi. ______ Reception of the Holy Spirit gifts through the laying on of the hands of Peter and John. ______ The disciples sacrifices of benevolence. ______ The martyrdom of James. 17 14 16 8 4 12

4 Which Chapter Is It In? ______ Conversion of Apollos at Ephesus. ______ Paul's defense including his own account of his conversion before the people of Jerusalem. ______ Healing of Aeneas by Peter. ______ Beginning of the third evangelistic tour. ______ Paul before Felix. ______ Healing of the lame man by Peter and John. 18 22 9 18 24 3

5 -John Mark leaves the work at Perga and returns to Jerusalem
Acts 13:13 (Acts 15:38) -Leadership of Paul is evident

6 Antioch of Pisidia NOTE: There were 16 “Antiochus” built by the Seleucid kings of Syria. Therefore the use of a double name to distinguish it from others. This particular Antioch was in the Roman province of Galatia in the district of Pisidia. Located near a high plateau named Phrygia. Paul visited congregations in Phrygia and Galatia (Acts 16:6; 18:23) on each of his journeys.

7 Antioch of Pisidia Jews saw the multitudes – were filled with jealousy
Gentiles listened readily – the Jews stirred up trouble Expelled the men from their city This was the first noted severe persecution Paul and Barnabas encountered on this trip – from the Jews!

8 JESUS IS THE MESSIAH I. PROOF FROM HISTORY. A. God chose and exalted a people (verse 17). B. He delivered them from Egypt (verse 17). C. He gave them a country (verses 18-19). D. He provided judges for them (verse 20). E. At their request he gave them a king (verse 21). F. Removed Saul and raised up David (verse 22). G. From David's seed came Jesus (verse 23).

A. By the testimony of John (verses 24-25). B. By his rejection, which prophecy foretold (verses 26-29). C. By his resurrection … a fact attested to … 1. By eyewitnesses (verses 30-32). 2. By Scriptures (verses 33-37).

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