Developing and Implementing a Resource-Based Online Course Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing and Implementing a Resource-Based Online Course Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing and Implementing a Resource-Based Online Course Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning 10 to 11 September Cebu City, Philippines NEMAH N. HERMOSA 10 September 2008

2 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning Objectives To describe how Resource-Based Learning is applied in developing and implementing an online course To discuss some issues related to RBL course design and implementation To describe how Resource-Based Learning is applied in developing and implementing an online course To discuss some issues related to RBL course design and implementation

3 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning What is Resource-Based Learning? Resource-Based Learning (RBL) is an instructional strategy where students construct meaning through interaction with a wide range of print, non-print and human resources. Constructivist in orientation AKAs: Inquiry Learning, Project-based Learning, Problem-Based Learning, Activity-Based Learning AKAs: Inquiry Learning, Project-based Learning, Problem-Based Learning, Activity-Based Learning

4 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning What are the benefits of RBL? Access to learning resources Increased independence Increased flexibility Thoroughness of planning Consistency of approach Focus on active learning rather than teaching Accommodation of individual differences

5 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning RBL and UPOU Course Development More easily done through online delivery (LMS) than in the traditional print modules with monthly f3f tutorials More easily done through online delivery (LMS) than in the traditional print modules with monthly f3f tutorials The move away from the use of a single set of modules for a course The move away from the use of a single set of modules for a course Course can be offered while being developed Course can be offered while being developed

6 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning More autonomy for the FIC RBL and UPOU Course Development Less costly Publication: From course modules to production of various types of resources Publication: From course modules to production of various types of resources

7 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning RBL: Some considerations It is not enough to write down the content. It is not enough to write down the content. There is still a need for contact with and between students. There is still a need for contact with and between students. Students may not know how to learn from resources. Students may not know how to learn from resources. RBL may not improve the quality of student learning. RBL may not improve the quality of student learning.

8 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning Systems Approach to RBL Instructional Design Analyze your learners and/or the learning context. Analyze your learners and/or the learning context. Define your learning outcomes (KAS). Determine your modes of assessment. Structure your course content. Design your learning activities.

9 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning EDR 211 Reading in the Content Areas Course Guide Study Guides TMA2 Guide TMA3 Guide Moodle course site Course Pack (output) Course Guide Study Guides TMA2 Guide TMA3 Guide Moodle course site Course Pack (output)

10 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning More considerations IPR: How much copyrighted material can be uploaded to the LMS? Student access Limitations of the LMS More eLearning features Removing the distance IPR: How much copyrighted material can be uploaded to the LMS? Student access Limitations of the LMS More eLearning features Removing the distance

11 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning Transactional distance (Moore, 1973)

12 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning Types of DE interactions (Hughes & Hewson, 1998) + Web 2.0 features such as blogs, wikis, virtual communities, etc.

13 Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning Types of DE interactions (Hughes & Hewson, 1998) I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. - Chinese Proverb

14 I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.

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