INCOMING 8 TH & 9 TH GRADE COURSE SELECTION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2013 The blueprint to your childs future!

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Presentation on theme: "INCOMING 8 TH & 9 TH GRADE COURSE SELECTION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2013 The blueprint to your childs future!"— Presentation transcript:

1 INCOMING 8 TH & 9 TH GRADE COURSE SELECTION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2013 The blueprint to your childs future!

2 Penndale Middle School Welcome -Dr. Sean OSullivan -Dr. Sean OSullivan

3 PROGRAM OF STUDIES PROGRAM OF STUDIES Rising 8 th Graders Rising 8 th Graders Middle School Program of Studies Middle School Program of Studies Rising 9 th Graders Rising 9 th Graders Grade 9-12 Booklet Grade 9-12 Booklet

4 Incoming 8 th Grade Course Selection

5 MRS. ROBBINS Assistant Principal Assistant Principal 8 th Grade 8 th Grade Class of 2018 Class of 2018

6 Mr. Harvey Guidance Counselor A-R Ms. Manalo Guidance Counselor S-Z Mr. Harvey Guidance Counselor A-R Ms. Manalo Guidance Counselor S-Z


8 COMMONALITIES (8 TH & 9 TH GRADE) Bell Schedule Bell Schedule 6-day Cycle 6-day Cycle E3 E3 Major Subjects Major Subjects English English Social Studies Social Studies Mathematics Mathematics Science Science

9 8 th Grade Business & Banking Concepts World Language French 1 German 1 Latin 1 Spanish 1

10 8 th Grade Quarterly Art 2 Health Computer Applications 2 Family and Consumer Science 2x/cycle Exploring Technology Physical Education Music ( Band, Chorus, Orchestra or Exploring Music)

11 2013 RISING 8 TH GRADE COURSE SELECTION TIMELINE January 11 - Guidance counselors meet with students E3 to discuss course selection. February 8-12Guidance counselors meet with students during math classes to complete course selection cards. April 24 -Verification letters distributed/mailed with 3 rd MP report cards. May 3 - Verification letters returned to Penndale ONLY IF changes/corrections need to be made June 14-Deadline for schedule changes.

12 Incoming 9 th Grade Course Selection

13 MRS. ROBBINS & MR. BASHAW Assistant Principals Assistant Principals 9 th Grade 9 th Grade Class of 2017 Class of 2017

14 Mr. Joy Guidance Counselor A-R Ms. Manalo Guidance Counselor S-Z Mr. Joy Guidance Counselor A-R Ms. Manalo Guidance Counselor S-Z


16 8 th GRADE Teaming Prescribed Courses 8 TH & 9 TH GRADE DIFFERENCES… 9 th GRADE High School Model ~ Departmental Program More choices for electives Credits and GPA- 9 th Grade Counts! Tech School and AFJROTC

17 Credits: Graduation Requirements MINIMUM CREDITS REQUIRED ENGLISH4.0 SOCIAL STUDIES4.0 MATHEMATICS3.0 or 4.0*** SCIENCE3.0 or 4.0*** ARTS/HUMANITIES2.0** HEALTH0.9 PHYSICAL EDUCATION1.2 ELECTIVES3.9 TOTAL23.0* *Minimum number necessary for graduation. **Qualifying courses: art, elective English, FCS, technology education, world language, music, computer science, & fourth year of social studies. One NMTCC credit can be substituted. ***Based upon PSSA proficiency.

18 Credits: Promotion Requirements PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS FOR PROMOTION TOREQUIRED CRITERIA GRADE 9 Students must pass English, Social Studies, Math, & Science. GRADE 104 CREDITS GRADE 1111 CREDITS GRADE 1216.5 CREDITS Students have the potential of earning up to 6.9 credits in their 9 th grade year. At NPHS, students have the potential to earn a up to 6.9 credits per year.

19 Grade Point Average (GPA) GPA for graduation is cumulative for grades 9, 10, 11, & 12. Is calculated using the 5 major courses that would yield the highest GPA. There are some courses which are ineligible for exclusion from GPA calculation (IFE). Class rank will be calculated at the end of the 9 th grade year. See pages 7-8 in the Program of Studies for calculation procedures.

20 MAJOR ELECTIVES 9 th Grade World Language Family Consumer Science Major Applying Technology Major Art Major JROTC Introduction to Business NMTCC (TECH SCHOOL) 9 th Grade World Language Family Consumer Science Major Applying Technology Major Art Major JROTC Introduction to Business NMTCC (TECH SCHOOL)

21 French 1, 2 German 1, 2 Latin 1, 2 Spanish 1, 2

22 9 th Grade 2x/cycle Health Physical Education Computer Applications 3 9 th Grade 2x/cycle Health Physical Education Computer Applications 3

23 2x/cycle Art Family Consumer Science Applying Technology Tech Drawing Exploratory Business Theatre Arts Related Fine Arts or Music Theory & Technology 2-4x/cycle Band, Chorus, Orchestra (2-4x/cycle)

24 2013 RISING 9 TH GRADE COURSE SELECTION TIMELINE January 25 -Meet with 8th grade students to discuss the course selection process. February 6-7 Guidance counselors will meet with students to input electronic course selection. April 24 -Verification letters distributed/mailed with 3 rd MP report cards. May 3 -Verification letters returned to Penndale ONLY IF changes/corrections need to be made June 14 -Deadline for schedule changes.

25 North Montco Technical Career Center offers 22 programs grouped in 8 career clusters Construction Trades Technology Cluster Construction Carpentry HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning) Industrial Electrical Health & Human Services Technology Cluster Allied Health (12th grade only) Allied Health (12th grade only) Biotechnology (11th & 12th grades only) Biotechnology (11th & 12th grades only) Health Occupations Health Occupations Protective Services Protective Services Cosmetology Cluster Cosmetology Cosmetology Culinary Arts Cluster Culinary Arts Culinary Arts Floral Design & Landscape Cluster Floral Design & Landscape Engineering/Manufacturing Design Cluster Computer Information Science Drafting & Design Robotics & Automation Precision Machining Welding & Fabrication Power & Transportation Cluster Automotive Collision Repair Automotive Diesel & Heavy Equipment Outdoor Power Equipment Retail & Distribution Visual Communications Commercial Arts Graphic Arts

26 First year students at North Montco will rotate through all the individual programs in their selected cluster during the first marking period of the year. First year students at North Montco will rotate through all the individual programs in their selected cluster during the first marking period of the year. The student will then select the program, in that cluster, that they would like to focus on for the remainder of the school year and beyond. The student will then select the program, in that cluster, that they would like to focus on for the remainder of the school year and beyond.

27 If you would like more information about the opportunities at North Montco Technical Career Center see Mrs. Novicki in the lobby after this presentation or call North Montco, during school hours, at 215-368-1177 and speak to one of the counselors.

28 Aerospace Science: –Science of Flight (9 th -12 th Grade) Leadership Education: –Intercommunication Skills –Life Skills –Principles of Management –Summer Leadership School Graduation Project AND YOU CAN EARN CollegeCredit Adams State College, Alamosa, Colorado $120 per course ($60 per course credit) B Grade Required 2 Elective College Credits/Class, which equals 8-10 College Credits while attending High School Class Flight Simulators Spacecraft Design/Flight History of Aviation JROTC Curriculum Science of Flight: Course #s 3914 or 3915

29 July 8-12th: Open to all 8 th -12 th grades – Leadership Exercises and Challenges – McGuire Air Force Base Trip (Aircraft, Battlefield Simulators) – Interactive games at Laser Quest and Guppy Gulch Water Park – Obstacle Courses with the Pennsylvania National Guard at their Training Complex More details, to include sign-ups in March Summer Leadership School

30 HOME ACCESS CENTER For Families Home Access Center

31 MORE INFORMATION AVAILABLE IN THE LOBBY P ersonnel from various departments of the school will be in the lobby to answer any specific questions

32 The Penndale Administrative and Guidance Team would like to thank you for your support and participation in helping our students create the blueprint for their futures! Penndale Middle School

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