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The script and Scriptwriting

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1 The script and Scriptwriting

2 How-to SCRIPT ELEMENTS 1) Transitions 2) Location 3) Description
4) Dialogue 5) Stage Directions

3 Element #4 - Dialogue is the written version of the words the actors say in the film is what the Character is saying (remember that good actors remember the lines to forget the lines) can have up to three (3) parts: CHARACTER NAME, LINES, and STAGE DIRECTIONS (PARENTHETICALS)

4 Element #4 - Dialogue Part 1 – Character Name
is at top of paragraph of Dialogue, above the Lines is tabbed the appropriate number of times (5 or 6) is always in ALL CAPS SIDESTEP JOHNNY

5 Element #4 - Dialogue Part 2 – Lines
are in a column in center of page, but are NOT centered are justified left and tabbed since we are formatting ourselves, you must hit “Enter” at the end of every Line to keep the Dialogue centered. do not let Lines go to the end of the page (right margin); they must remain in a column. Only Description and Out Transitions go at the far right side of the page. **since the Lines of Dialogue are what people are saying, there are no “sentences” necessary, but proper grammar must be used to convey the right pace and tone to the reader and actor.

6 Element #4 - Dialogue EXT. FOREST – DAY. ROBIN HOOD is in the woods, talking to himself. He is nervous. ROBIN HOOD (to self) OK…I expected a bigger turnout for Robin Hood’s merry men auditions, but, here goes. (to more) Who wants to be my merry men? OLAF I dOoOoo! Hi, I’m Olaf and I like warm hugs! Wow, you’re really merry. You sure you want to join me? Some things are worth melting for.

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