OGC and activities HMA-T Phase 2 KO Meeting

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1 OGC 06-131 and 07-038 activities HMA-T Phase 2 KO Meeting
2-3 July 2008, Frascati Emmanuel MONDON, ERDAS Slide 1

2 IONIC  ERDAS Slide 2

3 HMA-T Background Project Description Objectives & Tasks
Scope of the Work Relations with other Projects Objectives & Tasks Schedule and Reviews Answers to requested clarifications Slide 3

4 HMA Catalogue Specifications
New specifications based on OGC/ISO existing specifications : OGC r1 - OGC Geography Markup Language (GML) Encoding Specification ISO 19115:2003 & corrigendum / ISO 19119:2006 & amendment OGC r3 - OGC Catalogue Services ebRIM Application Profile of CSW All HMA specifications submitted to OGC (DP, BP) : OGC GML Application schema for Earth Observation products GML Application Schema for EO Products (0.9.0) OGC ISO 19115/19119 Extension Package for ebRIM AP of CS-W Cataloguing of ISO Metadata (CIM) using the ebRIM profile of CS-W (0.1.7) OGC EO Products Extension Package for ebRIM AP of CS-W EO Products Extension Package for ebRIM (ISO/TS ) Profile of CSW 2.0 (0.0.3) Slide 4

5 Collection & Service Discovery
Cataloguing of ISO Metadata (CIM) using the ebRIM profile of CS-W Specification of : A catalogue service for the discovery and management of ISO and ISO metadata implementing the ebRIM Profile of CS-W Written by 5 technical partners during HMA-T (Testbed) phase 1 : con terra cronos IGN (technical lead) IONIC Software Magellium Slide 5

6 The Cataloguing of ISO Metadata (CIM) EP for ebRIM CS-W:
CIM Extension Package The Cataloguing of ISO Metadata (CIM) EP for ebRIM CS-W: defines a unique way to map the ISO 19115/19119 metadata onto the ebRIM model. ISO metadata will always be represented the same way, in all Catalogues. Implementers will be able to deliver really interoperable ISO ebRIM Catalogues This gives sense to ISO ebRIM Catalogues Federations ISO 19115/19119 Extension Package Mapping ebRIM Application Profile ebRIM Model CSW (Catalogue Service/Web) HTTP Protocol OGC Catalogue Services 2.0 Catalogue Interface (Abstract) Slide 6

7 Catalog Search Resources are Earth Observations.
EO products are described using GML metadata. Metadata is stored in CSW 2.0 Catalogue. IONIC has written the “EO Products Data Model for ebRIM Extension Package”, in order to define the EO GML/ebRIM mapping. Clients Discover query EO Products GML metadata described by stored by mapped to CSW 2.0 catalogue ebRIM application profile GML Application Schema for EO Products EO Products Data Model for ebRIM uses Slide 7

8 EO ebRIM Extension Package
Defines a unique way to map the EO metadata type (EO GML) onto the ebRIM model. Necessary for EO ebRIM Catalogue federations and interoperability. EO Products Extension Package Mapping ebRIM Application Profile ebRIM Model CSW (Catalogue Service/Web) HTTP Protocol OGC Catalogue Services 2.0 Catalogue Interface (Abstract) Slide 8

9 Operational Implementations
The GMES ground segment provides the “necessary interfaces for requesting and accessing data from national and Eumetsat missions forming part of GMES”. The component publishing these interfaces is named Data Access Integration Layer – DAIL [GAC Paper] HMA shall permit to integrate EO products, space data with all kinds of other data and information. [ Oxygen objective] Slide 9

10 HMA-E / HMA-T Phase 2 The HMA catalogue specifications have been designed in and ERDAS has already implemented it into its RedSpider Catalog product. In order to support activities done within the HMA Data Access Implementation Layer - DAIL implementation contract (Kicked off December 2007), ESA has requested through HMA-E ERDAS to maintain and update one of these specifications (06-131) in 2008 and to set up an HMA reference platform for HMA Catalogue Protocols. The activities we are proposing here are complementary to the ones done within the HMA-E project. Slide 10

11 HMA-T Background Project Description Objectives & Tasks
Scope of the Work Relations with other Projects Objectives & Tasks Schedule and Reviews Answers to requested clarifications Slide 11

12 Project Description The work breakdown for the activities in the HMA-T Phase 2 project is depicted below. WP1000: Project Management WP2000: CIM Extension / Promote to OGC WP3000: Promote EO Extension as OGC Standard Our proposal should be seen as transverse as possible, complementary to the activities done within Task 3 (Conformance Testing) and will take into account the feedback from Tasks 1 (COTS/OS Implementation) and 2 (Prototypes). Note that this proposal does not include implementation tasks but ERDAS may implement on its own resources some HMA interfaces and therefore propose to the community reference implementations, in particular for updated HMA Catalogue protocols resulting from the activities we are proposing here. Slide 12

13 HMA-T Background Project Description Objectives & Tasks
Scope of the Work Relations with other Projects Objectives & Tasks Schedule and Reviews Answers to requested clarifications Slide 13

14 Objectives & Tasks (07-038) WP : CIM Extension / Promote to OGC
The objective of this work package is to define, set-up and manage a new OGC Specification Working Group dedicated to the specification regarding HMA Catalogue (RIM extension package for ISO – CIM EP) including : • Write the adhoc charter • Launch within the OGC & HMA communities the SWG • Propose to manage the SWG (chair) • Propose to lead the SWG (editor) • Prepare and attend to SWG conf call bi-weekly • Attend to SWG meetings during TC OGC In the frame of this SWG, the CIM : • Will be improved to fulfil generic ISO 19115/19119 metadata requirements • Will be improved to allow extension of the model • will be extended for the EO needs with ISO OUTPUT OF WP: • Updated document of CIM Extension Package • SWG for this document, with the objective of proposing this document as an OGC standard TASKS SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED: Development of CITE test scripts Slide 14

15 List of actions 1) Follow the Catalog 3.0 and subsequent revisions of Catalogue Service and ensure an evolution coherent with the CIM extension package. 2) Extend the model defined in the CIM a) Increase the properties mapped in the CIM to fulfill more requirements from GIS community b) Define a method to extend the CIM to fulfill additional requirements without breaking the interoperability c) Define Stored queries to allow easier interoperability with CS-W ISO clients and easier query on the model 3) Investigate link between CIM & EO Extension Package 4) Develop these documents in OGC WG and submit as candidate Implementation Specification Slide 15

16 Objectives & Tasks (06-131) WP : Promote EO Extension Package as OGC Standard The objective of this work package is to define, set-up and manage a new OGC Specification Working Group dedicated to the specification regarding HMA Catalogue (RIM extension package for EO – EO EP) including : • Write the adhoc charter • Launch within the OGC & HMA communities the SWG • Propose to manage the SWG (chair) • Propose to lead the SWG (editor) • Prepare and attend to SWG conf call bi-weekly • Attend to SWG meetings during TC OGC OUTPUT OF WP: • Updated document of EO Extension Package • SWG for this document, with the objective of proposing this document as an OGC standard TASKS SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED: Development of CITE test scripts. Slide 16

17 HMA-T Background Project Description Objectives & Tasks
Scope of the Work Relations with other Projects Objectives & Tasks Schedule and Reviews Answers to requested clarifications Slide 17

18 Schedule & Reviews Slide 18

19 HMA-T Background Project Description Objectives & Tasks
Scope of the Work Relations with other Projects Objectives & Tasks Schedule and Reviews Answers to requested clarifications Slide 19

20 Clarifications There is one comment to be discussed during contract negotiation: the travel budget has to be checked. 6 travels and 6 per diem for ERDAS for this project Slide 20

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