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Primary 3 Miss Holligan P3a Miss Mowat P3b

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Presentation on theme: "Primary 3 Miss Holligan P3a Miss Mowat P3b"— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary 3 Miss Holligan P3a Miss Mowat P3b
Mrs Bissoonauth/Mrs Milne P3c


3 Science, Expressive Arts, RME and Technology Enterprise
Term 1 – Topics Novel Study Living things and Human Body Egyptians Science - Energy French – in class P.E. – with Ms Tait STEAM – with Miss Gallacher R.M.E. - Mr Fruish

4 Social Studies, Science, Expressive arts, Technology and RME
Term 2 Famous Scots Forces (magnets) Continuing with Specialists Term 3 Castles Water

5 Literacy Reading – commence next week Writing
Listening and talking – watch out for “share a text”.

6 Maths and Numeracy Resources used:
MUMP – Midlothian Understanding Mathematics Programme SEAL – Stages of Arithmetical Learning Various Problem Solving Activities Education City/Sumdog Outdoor Learning Topic Links

7 Health & Wellbeing Rights and Responsiblities – Golden Time (no toys from home) Positive Behaviour Strategies Daily Mile – 4 times a week Water Bottles – 2008 Healthy Schools Guidance Policy

8 Homework Pupils will be given a homework jotter containing a homework grid. The grid contains homework for reading, spelling and numeracy. One activity box for each area should be coloured, signed or dated each week.

9 How you can help Keeping in touch with us – make an appointment through school office. Website updated regularly Asking your child about their LEARNING Encourage your child to organise themselves Name on all belongings PE kit in school all the time Topic materials always welcome or if you have knowledge to share please let us know.

10 Please go and wander around your child's classroom

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