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Word of the Day Week of January 29, 2018 sweep

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Presentation on theme: "Word of the Day Week of January 29, 2018 sweep"— Presentation transcript:

1 Word of the Day Week of January 29, 2018 sweep (verb) to remove dirt with a broom. Sentence: The little girl sweeps the floor to get ready to celebrate the Chinese new year.

2 Word of the Day Week of January 29, 2018 feast (noun) a large meal to celebrate something Sentence: The family prepares a feast to celebrate the Chinese new year.

3 Word of the Day Week of January 29, 2018 lantern (noun) a lamp with a transparent case protecting the flame or electric bulb, and typically having a handle by which it can be carried or hung. Sentence: The kids carried the Chinese lanterns in the parade.

4 dumplings Word of the Day
Week of January 22, 2018 dumplings (verb) a small savory ball of dough (usually stuffed) that may be boiled, fried, or baked. Sentence: The family made dumplings stuffed with meat for the celebration.

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