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Reasons for European Expansion During the Late 15th Century

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Presentation on theme: "Reasons for European Expansion During the Late 15th Century"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reasons for European Expansion During the Late 15th Century

2 Important Questions What was the reason for expansion?
Which countries were expanding? Where were they going? What enabled (allowed) explorers to go out on voyages? Who paid for them? What was needed?

3 Why Exploration Began Europeans knew almost nothing about the Americas in the 15th century They often travelled east to trade with people of India and China

4 Constantinople & Trade
Constantinople was a major trading port city. Travelers wishing to reach the east from Europe had to pass through it.

5 Using the following maps, make three observations about trade routes that were used before European Expansion started.

6 Why It Began If the trade routes through Constantinople worked well, why was exploration needed?

7 The Fall of Constantinople
Constantinople was part of the late Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire). In 1453, the city was captured by the Turks (Ottoman Empire). The Turks restricted access to its ports and the Black Sea which was the fastest known route to Asia. This event forced nations and explorers to find a new route to the east (Asia).

8 What Motivated Exploration
Using the documents below, determine why were the trade routes so important to the Europeans?

9 What Motivated Exploration
Spices & Silk Precious Metals (gold and silver) Evangelization of native peoples: Goal was to convert non-Christians Christians wanted to stop the spread of Islam in Asia and Africa

10 Which four European countries wanted to expand their territory?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

11 Countries That Explored
England France Portugal Spain

12 Europe 1500s

13 What Are Nation States Also known as a country that governs itself, has its own laws and has borders, separating it from other places. England, France, Spain and Portugal were nations states that wanted to expand their borders. When nation states would explore, they would mark new territory with a flag to claim it as part of their own. Claimed land were colonies owned and controlled by the mother country ( the nation state that found it).

14 Why Is This Important? These four Nation States (countries ) were constantly fighting for control over land and trade routes. Using the documents, determine what they hoped to gain from expanding.

15 What Gave Power to a Mother Country
Territory Riches Giant populations Spread of their values and beliefs If a King wanted his Nation State ( country) to be very strong, he needed land. With new land came more resources that he could turn to riches. Land= Money=Power

16 More Motives Merchants wanted to make more money, and trading with new territories would do this. The wealthy were willing to finance exploration voyages to find new resources. The church wanted to spread their Christian faith because they felt that their religion was the only.

17 Motives Cont… Adventurers/Captains, were curious and wanted to become famous by claiming land. People wanted to learn more about the world. Example, see if the world was flat or round.

18 New Technologies For exploration to work, new technology and inventions were needed. Using the following documents, explain what was made during this time and how it benefited the voyages made.

19 What Is It? Document 1 Document 2

20 Answers Document 1: The Caravel Document 2:Cogs
This was a great ship invented by the Portugese that was used for a long time. It was lighter and faster and could hold a lot of cargo. The cogs were made in the Middle Ages but were used for hundreds of years. They were built to help defend against attacks but were often in shipwrecks.

21 What Is It? Document 3 Document 4

22 Answers Document 1: Carracks Document 4: Stern Rudder
Carracks were ships used for trade along a coastline (bordering land and water). It was invented by the Portuguese in the 15th century. It was slow and hard to handle because of the size. This is a piece of material placed at the back of a ship to help control the location. By blocking water on the rudder, it was able to steer the boat.

23 What Is It? Document 5 Document 6

24 Lateen Sails Document 5: Lateen Sails Document 6: Magnetic Compass
Unlike the previous square sails, lateen sails were triangular, which allowed a boat to take the wind from different sides A compass that automatically points North using a magnet. This helped explorers with navigation.

25 What Is It? Document 7 Document 8

26 Answers Document 7: Astrolabe Document 8: Muskets and Cannons
An astrolabel was used to confirm the ship’s position and to plot their journey. It also helped to make maps more accurate. These weapons were used aboard ships to help protect the explorers and their crew from any attacks.

27 The Dangers of Exploration
Shipwrecks Disease No wind Unfriendly Natives

28 Where did the Voyages End?
Pink = England Light Green = France Yellow = Spain Dull Green = Portugal What do you notice about where each of the mother countries ended up going? Can you make some conclusions?

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