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A Comical Cure Megan Arthur.

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Presentation on theme: "A Comical Cure Megan Arthur."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Comical Cure Megan Arthur

2 Thesis Statement The act of laughter is tremendously beneficial in both physical and psychological aspects, as well as in building interaction skills.

3 Background of Laughter
Gelotology The study of laughter Three types of laughter The incongruity theory The superiority theory The relief theory Parts of the brain involved with laughter the left side of the cortex, the frontal lobe, the sensory area of the occipital lobe, the hippocampus, the motory sections

4 Physically Beneficial
Strengthens the Immune System Respiratory and Cardiovascular systems Pain reduction

5 Psychologically Beneficial
Positive attitude, optimism Stress reduction Laughter Therapy

6 Skill Building Productivity Communication, interaction
Interpersonal relationships

7 “Laughter is the best medicine.”
--Widely used age-old proverb

8 “If you can laugh at it, you can survive it” (Espeland n.p.).
--Bill Cosby

9 Conclusion Hopefully, it is becoming very clear just how beneficial laughter really is. It aids all people everyday in doing various tasks, coping with hardship, or overcoming bad health. Thus, one should take the time to laugh everyday. True laughter will make one’s life even happier and worth living. That, as well as benefit his health in numerous ways and even make him live longer!

10 Works Cited Espeland, Pamela. “Twelve Reasons to Laugh.” Life Lists for Teens: Tips, steps, hints, and how-tos for growing up, getting along, learning, and having fun Online. Yahoo. 10 April

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