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Ethical Dilemmas and Values Connected with Environmental Education PeD Lili-Ann Wolff Keskkonnahariduskonverents Tallinna koolide õppealajuhatajatele“Keskkonnasõbralik.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethical Dilemmas and Values Connected with Environmental Education PeD Lili-Ann Wolff Keskkonnahariduskonverents Tallinna koolide õppealajuhatajatele“Keskkonnasõbralik."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethical Dilemmas and Values Connected with Environmental Education PeD Lili-Ann Wolff
Keskkonnahariduskonverents Tallinna koolide õppealajuhatajatele“Keskkonnasõbralik kool II – väärtused ja võimalused” November 30, 2011

2 The Content of My Speech
The complex concept of lifelong learning Unesco’s knowledge pillars The ethical dimensions of environmental education according to my own research The temporality challenge in education The LifeLink organisation’s educational programs

3 Dilemma: The Educational Purpose
Do we have to first image an ideal society and then try to form an ideal human that suits those conditions? (Visionary approach, religous and political aims) Or Do we have to base the education on ideas about what kind of humans the contemporary society needs? (Education as transmission) Or Do we have to train the humans to autonomy, so that they can form a society that they find best. (Education as transformation) Where does lifelong learning fit in? Where does sustainable development fit in?

4 The Strategy of the European Union
The Union has today set itself a new strategic goal for the next decade: to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion. (Lisbon European Council, 2000)

5 Lifelong Learning: A Problem, a Project or a Prospect?
“Discussions of lifelong learning seldom address directly existential themes— the meaning of life, self, birth, growing-up, friendship, love, courtship, sexuality, loneliness, violence, hate, death— that are at the core of every individual’s life. (Unesco, 2001)

6 What is the Aim of LLL? Lifelong learning should appeal to the totality of a person—heart, body and brain—and more importantly to our existential values and emotions”. Lifelong learning should aim to promote the art of human maturity—a prerequisite to becoming a good citizen, actively involved in local, national and international issues and problems. (Unesco) How do we promote attitudes? Is it right/possible?

7 LLL an Obligation or a Possibility?
Should the lifelong learner be motivated by the idea that if he or she gains the right information and communications technology skills, he or she will contribute to making Europe the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world? (Biesta, G. 2006)

8 Equality Problems in Today’s World
793 million adults (2/3 of them women) lack minimum literacy skills 67.4 million children are out of school Equality Problems in Today’s World In Kagera, Tanzania less than 7 in 100 children have a chance of secondary education.

9 Do We Need a New Dimension to UNESCO’s Knowledge Pillars
Learning to know Learning to do Learning to be Learning to live together Learning to live sustainably (Hargreaves & Fink, 2003; Fink 2010)

10 An Education that Challenges the Quest for Sustainability Builds on Three Ethical Dimensions
The human self-relation Humans’ mutual relations Humans’ relation to other parts of nature

11 The Sphere of the Self Care of the self is the foundation for care of others and of the natural world. If humans treat themselves and their own kind like objects, why should they not treat the rest of nature the same way?

12 The Sphere of Social Interaction
Mutual respect and recognition uphold human relations A relationship to another person can give our lives an ethical meaning.

13 The Shere of the Natural world
Denying that humans are part of nature complicates our lives and makes it more difficult for us to support the survival of the entire earth. Humans are nature as well as this little roseberry.

14 Temporality Human life is a struggle between three spaces: the past,
the present, and the future

15 LifeLink Friendship Schools
Life-Link projects centre around three main areas of attention: Care for ourselves - Care for each other - Care for the environment. Realisation of these three interdependent areas will lead to increased common security. Life-Link is today a well recognized non-governmental organisation with international contacts in more than 60 countries worldwide.

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