JFSQ – Proposals for improvement

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Presentation on theme: "JFSQ – Proposals for improvement"— Presentation transcript:

1 JFSQ – Proposals for improvement
Marilise Wolf-Crowther, E.2 WG Forestry FEB 2018

2 Simplification of the production part of the JFSQ in 2 steps
Eurostat proposes to use for its data collection on production: A restructured standard worksheet JQ1 aligned as much as possible with PRODCOM (34 rows to fill out) and A "light" version of (1) to use for • data reporting for the countries without a high level of production of wood products (18 rows to fill out) and for • dissemination of summary data of all countries in a single table The previous discussions of the IWG-FS and the results of the 2016 opinion survey are integrated into the proposal, see document 9.1

3 Number of countries affected by the simplification "light"
We estimate that up to 15 countries would be affected by the simplification for veneers 16 countries would be affected by the simplification for panels 26 countries would be affected by the simplification for pulp 13 countries would be affected by the simplification for papers and 9 countries would be affected by the simplification for packaging We include in both versions a new section on recovered material for Recovered fibre pulp Recovered paper Recovered wood (from waste statistics)

4 Questions for the delegates: what is your opinion?
1) Eurostat proposes to use for its data collection on production: a) A restructured standard worksheet JQ1 aligned as much as possible with PRODCOM and b) A "light" version of (a) to use for • data reporting for the countries without a high level of production of wood products and for • dissemination of summary data of all countries in a single table. 2) Eurostat proposes corresponding changes to the 2 worksheets on total trade and on trade with countries outside the EU 3) Eurostat proposes to implement the changes for the next data collection 4) Eurostat proposes to implement the changes in the published data 5) Eurostat proposes for further discussion the creation of a new item under "removals" for "non-roundwood removals".

5 Thank you for your attention!

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