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Electronic submission of reappointment applications in Vibe

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1 Electronic submission of reappointment applications in Vibe

2 Introduction Electronic submission of reappointment reviews (formative and summative) is governed by MOA#1.. Specific details on the process of summative/formative reviews, required documents, deadlines, roles and responsibilities can be found in the appropriate Promotion and Reappointment Documents posted on Academic Affairs website Vibe is not a vehicle for storing documents. It is used for uploading and sharing only. Candidates should keep their reappointment materials on H or hard drive and update them on a regular basis. Candidates do not need to submit hard copy duplicates for uploaded materials.

3 STAGE I: Application submission
Academic Affairs will populate the groups in Vibe with names of candidates and members of PRCs To start the document submission process, Academic Affairs will a link to the cover-page in Vibe to all candidates

4 The link in the from Academic Affairs takes a candidate to the following cover page. The candidate fills out the cover page to begin the application.

5 After the candidate has filled out the cover page and clicked Save and Continue, they receive this from Vibe. The candidate can click on their name to access the application and upload the documents.

6 This is what the page for document uploading looks like:

7 After all documents are uploaded, the candidate clicks on the OK button. The candidate should not click on OK before all the documents have been uploaded.

8 After the candidate clicks OK, they receive the following email from Vibe:
REMINDERS: To share online student feedback, candidates use PAWS. In PAWS, the candidate has to enter the names of PRC members, provost and president to give them access to the entire record of student online feedback The candidate will retain read-only access to their file in Vibe throughout the review process

9 STAGE II: PRC’s review After the candidate clicks OK to submit the materials, members of the PRC receive this from Vibe:

10 By clicking on the candidate’s name, the PRC members get to this page in Vibe. PRC members should follow instructions on the page:

11 Once the PRC has uploaded all required documents, Chair of the committee must click OK to forward the application to the dean. Once the OK button is clicked, all members of the PRC lose access to this application. The Chair of the committee should make sure that PRC’s responsibilities are complete before clicking OK.

12 When the Chair of the PRC clicks on OK, the candidate receives this email from Vibe:

13 STAGE III: Dean’s review
After the PRC chair clicks OK, the dean receives this from Vibe:

14 The dean clicks on candidate’s name in the , which takes them to this page in Vibe. The dean follows instructions on the page.

15 Once the dean has uploaded all required documents, they click OK to forward the application to the provost. Once the OK button is clicked, the dean will no longer have access to the application. NOTE: Formative review stops here. Once the dean clicks OK, the application is archived and the candidate receives this final .

16 In summative review, once the dean has forwarded the application to the provost, the candidate receives this

17 STAGE IV: Provost’s review
Once the dean has clicked OK, the provost receives this

18 The provost clicks on applicant’s name in the , which takes them to this page in Vibe. The provost follows instructions on the page.

19 Once the provost has uploaded all required documents, they click OK to forward the application to the president. Once the OK button is clicked, the provost will no longer have access to the application.

20 Once the provost has forwarded the application to the president, the candidate receives this email:

21 STAGE V: President’s review
Once the provost has clicked OK to forward the application to the president, the president receives this

22 The president clicks on applicant’s name in the , which takes them to this page in Vibe. The president follows instructions on the page.

23 Once the president has uploaded all required documents, they must click OK to archive the application and finish the Vibe process. Once the OK button is clicked, both the president and the candidate will lose access to the application.

24 Once the president has archived the application, the candidate receives this final . All access is removed and the Vibe process is complete.

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