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Lesson 26.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 26."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 26

2 Produce to make things to be sold, especially in large quantities

3 Company business or corporation that makes money

4 Protect to make sure that something or somebody is not hurt

5 preview to see something before it is available to the public

6 Contain include This recipe contains sugar.

7 Combat fight

8 Prejudge to make a judgment about something before gathering the necessary information

9 Commotion sudden noisy confusion or excitement

10 Contest a competition

11 Prefix group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning

12 Progress movement forward or improving

13 Computer an electronic device

14 Confide to tell somebody a secret that you don’t want anyone else to know

15 Convince to make somebody believe that something is true

16 Prospect the possibility that something will happen or an idea that might happen in the future There is little prospect of any improvement in the weather.

17 Confirm to state that something is definitely true

18 Preflight occurring before a flight in an aircraft

19 Provide to somebody something to make it available for them to use

20 Propose to suggest a plan or an idea

21 Promotion to move to a more important job or rank in a company or corporation

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