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NSPE in Action: Engineering the Future of the PE

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1 NSPE in Action: Engineering the Future of the PE

2 What brought you to this meeting today. The future of engineering
What brought you to this meeting today? The future of engineering? Your future as an engineer? Why do you care about NSPE? Personal and career advancement? Make a difference in the profession? Changing the world? Compliance/Enforcement?

3 Why NSPE (Then) David Steinman (1934)
Protect engineers (and the public) from unqualified practitioners, Build public recognition for the profession, and Stand against unethical practices and inadequate compensation.

4 Not Just Another Organization
“The technical problems of civil, mechanical, electrical, mining, and chemical engineers are divergent; but the professional problems are alike. The technical societies, for the best fulfillment of their essential purpose, are divided on lines of differentiation of technical branches or specialties. This division into separate organizations, with diverse traditions and viewpoints, prevents effective united effort for the interests of the profession as a whole. A single national professional society, with solidarity of purpose and concentration of strength, is needed to provide effectively for the professional interests of the engineering profession.” David Steinman (1935)

5 We’re All in This Together…
Whenever I say NSPE this morning (afternoon), please understand I do NOT mean just national or just a state society or some division of labor between them. I am talking about NSPE as an integrated single system of national, regional, state and local elements, working autonomously but in concert.

6 But I’m too busy for all this…
Today’s association can’t skate by on yesterday’s accomplishments, operating at yesterday’s speed, or using yesterday’s technology processes and procedures. We need to prove our relevance every day, concentrate on what you need, deliver real value, and offer multiple forms of engagement and participation. Every association, not just engineering societies face this challenge. And addressing them effectively was the focus of a book called …

7 Rigorously Define the Member Market
Overhaul the Governance and Committee Model: Rationalize Programs, Services, and Activities Rigorously Define the Member Market NSPE will accomplish its mission by engaging in the disciplined and constant exercise of strategic thinking at the House of Delegates, Board of Directors, Committee, Council, Task Force, and staff levels as well as streamlining processes and procedures to facilitate effective, action-oriented governance. NSPE will accomplish its mission through a disciplined, fiscally responsible and data-driven process of building on strengths and concentrating resources on those activities: That will make a significant difference for NSPE’s members; That NSPE has the unique capacity (or potential) to do better than anyone else; and That members cannot do for themselves or get without being a member. NSPE will accomplish its mission by remaining focused on the licensed professional engineer and those who aspire to become licensed.

8 Bridge the Technology Gap and Build a Framework for the Race:
Empower the CEO and Enhance Staff Expertise: Bridge the Technology Gap and Build a Framework for the Race: NSPE will accomplish its mission by providing for effective investments in maintenance and upgrades to the systems, technology, and personnel infrastructure of the organization. NSPE will accomplish its mission by articulating clear strategies and defined outcomes, then empowering and holding the Executive Director accountable as the “steward of strategy,” and providing adequate resources to support the mission.

9 Where did all this come from?
It came from you! Our Members NSPE‘s Race for Relevance started more than three years ago, and hasn’t ended. It involved extensive surveying of members, former members, non-members. Seven task forces, populated by more than 90 members from 41 states; over 3,000 hours of volunteer work effort, constant communication (in person, online) and feedback. Who We Are and What We Do

10 A New Vision for NSPE Being a licensed professional engineer means more than just holding a certificate and possessing technical competence. It is a commitment to hold the public health, safety, and welfare above all other considerations. NSPE is the only society focusing exclusively on this core principle, which professional engineers in all disciplines and practice areas hold in common. NSPE is an integrated network of organizations, operating at the national, regional, state, and local levels, with a more than 80-year history of achievement. By defining, promoting, and protecting the PE license, we improve the lives of both the public and the PEs that serve it. What does it mean to be a licensed professional engineer and an NSPE member? Can you summarize it in a two-minute (or less) elevator speech? PEs often find these questions challenging, perhaps because of the wide variety of engineering disciplines, perhaps because there’s so much to say about the profession. Two minutes? No way. But in the spring of 2015, NSPE members were asked for their opinions about just such an elevator speech, and the response was overwhelming approval. For effective advocacy and marketing, it is important to be able to succinctly state, ‘This is the purpose NSPE exists to serve,’ but this is about more than mere marketing language or ‘spin. This statement of principles is the outcome of NSPE’s ongoing Race for Relevance, and will drive your Society’s priorities and investment of resources, not just how we talk about them. Informed by several years of surveys, study, and feedback from members on what they value and need from NSPE, it is an organizational commitment, aligned with the timeless principles upon which NSPE was first created, restated for the 21st century.

11 Define …the PE license as the highest measure of professionalism and qualification to protect the public health, safety, and welfare. Two of NSPE’s recent membership recruitment campaigns (NSPE Unite and the Lapsed Member campaign) have ended and resulted in almost 350 new members and $48,000 of revenue to the organization (state and national). The last of the three campaigns, a Career Progression campaign to newly licensed engineers, has kicked off and we are anticipating good results for this effort as well. NSPE took on the task of updating and compiling all of the most current and complete information on continuing education requirements in every state. A must-have resource if you are licensed in multiple states, NSPE’s State-by-State Summary of Continuing Education Requirements for Professional Engineers is available free to members on the website. The joint NSPE/TSPE 2016 Professional Engineers Conference is in Dallas, Texas, June 22-26, featuring a rich education and entertainment program with up to 15 PDHs for all PEs and those on the licensure path. In recognition of the importance of PECON, the Mayor of Dallas has designated the week of our meeting as Professional Engineers Week! New for attendees this year is a robust conference app featuring complete program and activity details, customizable calendar, ability to connect and chat with other attendees, and share PECON experiences via Twitter and Facebook. Members are also reminded of the fact that NSPE membership includes 15 free on-demand streaming seminars that members can conveniently view from home of office. At the end of each seminar, a quiz will be available for those who need it to meet their state’s continuing education requirements.

12 Promote …awareness and recognition of the value and meaning of the PE license. NSPE recently released the latest edition of its podcast, NSPE Speaks, available for direct subscription and download from the iTunes store. In it, NSPE staff provides news for the professional engineer, updates on advocacy and outreach from NSPE and state societies, and stories on off-the-beaten-path topics. This episode features a chat about tragic disasters and licensure, an interview with NSPE’s “New Face” of Engineering, and a MATHCOUNTS challenge. NSPE also produces another podcast, NSPE Leadership Update, geared towards state and national leaders, which can be found on the NSPE website. Save the date for the first annual licensed “Professional Engineers Day” on Wednesday, August 3rd. With this mostly virtual event NSPE aims to increase awareness and appreciation for the important contributions of licensed engineers. On Professional Engineers Day, the Society encourages professional engineers to continue to elevate the engineering community and share why they became licensed on social media. Stay tuned for more details, hashtags, and exciting ways to get involved! NSPE and the American Council of Engineering Companies are now seeking nominations for the 2016 QBS Awards. The deadline for nominations is Wednesday, July 8. Nominations may come from an NSPE State Chapter, an ACEC Member Organization, a public or private entity, or an individual in the public or private sector. Self-nomination is also permitted. Please mail or nominations to Charles Kim with ACEC to and Nicholas Cox with NSPE at NSPE President Tim Austin, P.E., F.NSPE, was recently a special guest on the Engineering Career Coach podcast produced by NSPE member Anthony Fasano, P.E., and Tim was also recently interviewed and quoted in an article on self-driving cars from the Association for Computing Machinery.

13 Protect …the integrity of the profession and the welfare of the public by vigorously: Opposing the practice of engineering by unqualified persons; and Advocating the highest standards of licensure, ethics, and professional practice. NSPE and the Ohio Society of Professional Engineers are opposing legislation that places restrictions on the selection of piping material for state-funded water, wastewater, and storm drainage projects. On May 20, NSPE submitted a letter to Ohio House Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chairman Al Landis to seek changes to the bill to prohibit a public authority from overruling PE judgement and sound engineering practices in designating one type of piping material over another on state-funded projects. On April 29, the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement completed a process six years in the making: developing comprehensive safety regulations in response to the Deepwater Horizon blowout disaster in Last year, NSPE submitted a public comment commending the BSEE for its proposed rule to require a licensed PE in cementing and casing situations. This final rule accepts and formalizes these requirements. NSPE commends the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement for enacting this critical change and recognizing the key role the licensed PE plays in protecting the public health, safety, and welfare. In an April 13 letter to NSPE President Tim Austin, P.E., F.NSPE, the Environmental Protection Agency requested that NSPE review and provide input to a best practices report and checklist the agency is developing in response to the Gold King Mine disaster. NSPE has played a leading role in the aftermath to minimize similar incidents and to require a licensed professional engineer in responsible charge of all federal engineering projects. This letter comes after NSPE contacted the EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy to offer NSPE’s expertise and is an important step forward as the public and federal stakeholders gain greater understanding of the value and necessity of the PE to protect the public health, safety, and welfare. On April 8, NSPE Executive Director Mark Golden presented NSPE’s position and provided input on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) proposed rulemaking for autonomous vehicles at a national hearing convened in Washington, DC at the Department of Transportation. In late January, the Department of Transportation announced that NHTSA would develop and publish federal regulations for deployment of fully autonomous vehicles within six months. NSPE has been a leading advocate on the need to place the public health, safety, and welfare first by requiring a licensed professional engineer to play a key role in the development, testing, and safety certification of autonomous vehicles. Recognizing the promise of autonomous vehicles, NSPE also recognizes the major engineering, technological, and ethical limitations that have yet to be addressed as part of the rulemaking process.

14 NSPE recently participated as a member of the 50k Coalition in a workshop, convened by the National Society of Black Engineers to coordinate and bring collective impact to the individual efforts of engineering societies to promote establishing a framework to lead the nation to graduate 50,000 female, Hispanic, Black, and Native American engineers annually, by the year Separately, NSPE continues to work with NSBE to finalize a new Memorandum of Understanding to translate our long-standing alliance into meaningful impact. NSPE is a partner with DiscoverE and others on the upcoming Dream Big! IMAX film set for release in Dream Big! is a film and educational project about engineering that will reach millions of people through IMAX in 3-D. The goal is to inspire the new generation of engineers who will drive the innovation needed to modernize our infrastructure, develop clean, abundant and renewable energy, and provide food and clean water for the world’s growing population. Volunteers will be needed in the coming months to help connect with local science museums and theaters to show the film and promote the profession. Stay tuned for more details and ways you can volunteer. NSPE has partnered with the Global Innovation Exchange: the first global marketplace for innovations that address humanity's greatest challenges across all disciplines. Created by the US Agency for International Development in collaboration with more than 80 partners, the Exchange brings together innovators, funders, researchers, experts, and others to identify, support, and scale high-impact solutions. The Exchange seeks to connect innovators with the people they need to help them develop, distribute, and scale their solutions to problems in the developing world. We encourage you to access the Exchange now. After setting up a profile, under "assistance offered" select the options that describe what you're capable of providing. To be clear, selecting any of these options will not obligate you to provide such assistance, or to provide it for free.

15 Communicating What’s New
Social Media Newsletters PE Magazine Podcasts Social Media: NSPE is active on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Links to all of these accounts can be found on NSPE’s homepage, NSPE has also launched “NSPE NextGen” social media accounts on Twitter and Instagram to connect with the upcoming generations of professional engineers. There is also a dedicated website at Newsletters: Daily Designs NSPE Update New! PE Scope Interest Group Newsletters PE Magazine: Offers both print and digital editions of the magazine, and also has a dedicated Twitter NSPE Speaks: NSPE Speaks is the Society’s first podcast series available on iTunes. It provides news of importance to the professional engineer, updates on advocacy and outreach from NSPE and state societies, ethics cases to ponder, interviews with PEs and others, and off-the-beaten-path engineering-related topics.

16 Member Engagement PE Institute Social Media Committee Service
NSPE Communities Describe AMS, value it brings to state societies, but remember: technology is a means to an end. That end is making your society more accessible, your involvement more valuable, your voice better heard. NSPE’s members-only networking tool, NSPE Communities, is now live and your go-to place to stay in the loop on all things NSPE and the profession. You can: Ask advice from more than 31,000 members; Share expertise on matters of common interest; Access best practices and must-have documents from fellow PEs; and Connect with other members nationwide. As of June 8, 191 messages had been posted across 31 threads by 114 unique visitors. And over 1,000 users are now active and have updated their profile with either a photo, bio, education, or job history!

17 Who Serves Me Best? National or State/Territory?
Both! For successful accomplishment of a professional society, unity and geographical organization are the essentials. The National Society, the state societies, and the county chapters are closely and reciprocally integrated, and all are regarded of equal importance. Membership in one involves membership in all…This is the logical and essential form of organization for building a united and integrated engineering profession.” David Steinman (1935) Together!

18 The Race for Relevance is a Marathon, Not a Sprint
So we’ve been busy and we have accomplished a lot, but this is a race you never finish. NSPE is committed to constant improvement.

19 The Challenge “I have often and often, in the course of the session, and in the vicissitudes of my hopes and fears as to its issue, looked at [the half sun carved in the back of Washington’s Chair] without being able to tell whether it was rising or setting; but now at length, I have the happiness to know, that it is a rising, and not a setting sun.” (Benjamin Franklin – September 17, 1787) “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” (Abraham Lincoln – June 6, 1858) “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” (Benjamin Franklin – July 5, 1776) As a multi-disciplinary, multi-layered organization, NSPE deals with the complexity and challenges that diversity brings. There are other, more narrowly focused appeals from other organizations competing for your attention. There is the challenge of reaching consensus with such varied interests, focuses and concern represented in our membership. But there is also strength in diversity by bringing that vast breadth of experiences, expertise, and perspectives to bear by focusing on what we hold in common, not what separates us. The same kind of challenge and the same kind of strength that led to the founding of our nation: E pluribus unum … One out of many. The same kind of challenge and the same kind of strength that enabled the country to survive and emerge even stronger after a civil war.

20 This Society…of PEs, by PEs, and for PEs
NSPE, in partnership with the State/Territorial Societies, Serves as the recognized and authoritative expert in licensure, ethics, and professional practice; Promotes licensure and assists individuals in becoming licensed; and Protects and enhances the value of licensure and the opportunities for the licensed engineer. We’re all in this together and I have great confidence in our ability to work together and in our shared resolve and commitment to do what’s best to serve the interest we all share: the value and integrity of the PE license. That confidence is not wishful thinking. It is based on the evidence I have seen and the progress we have already made. That progress is not the result of any individual or state or national, it is a shared accomplishment. We have the capacity, but more importantly, in every state I visit, I see confirmation that we have the will to return NSPE (at all levels) to its former greatness, with renewed focus, energy and results, which was, after all, what the Race for Relevance effort was all about. There are no quick fixes, but we all each bring unique value to the table and are united in a common cause. And we’re approaching a tipping point.

21 Call for Action If you are not a member: Join
If you are a member: Engage and share Join a committee Teach a seminar Write an article or blog post Write to your members of Congress Bring a student, an EIT, a newly/long-time licensed engineer with you Call for Action TWO OPTIONS FOR THIS SLIDE – USE THE ONE YOU FEEL BEST TARGETS YOUR AUDIENCE AND MESSAGE! I hope you see how much NSPE is doing and accomplishing on your behalf. But we can’t do it all for you. We can only do it WITH you.

22 We Can Do It If you are not a member: Join
If you are a member: Engage and share Join a committee Teach a seminar Write an article or blog post Write to your members of Congress Bring a student, an EIT, a newly/long-time licensed engineer with you We Can Do It TWO OPTIONS FOR THIS SLIDE – USE THE ONE YOU FEEL BEST TARGETS YOUR AUDIENCE AND MESSAGE! I hope you see how much NSPE is doing and accomplishing on your behalf. But we can’t do it all for you. We can only do it WITH you.

23 Thank You!

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