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Critical Thinking You’ll have one minute to answer the following question. No cheating!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Critical Thinking You’ll have one minute to answer the following question. No cheating!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical Thinking You’ll have one minute to answer the following question. No cheating!!!

2 The Question The sundial has the fewest moving parts of any timepiece. What timepiece has the MOST moving parts?

3 The Answer An hourglass.

4 Goals for the Day I can improve my own writing and help others improve their writing through the revision and peer editing process. I can recognize how process analysis can be an effective mode of support within an argumentative essay, and I can develop an argument using process analysis as the primary mode of delivery.

5 Meet with the groups from yesterday
Take your stuff with you – get out your narration essays that you each wrote for homework – 2 minutes. Take 3 minutes to share your essays with your peers. Make sure each member has a copy or can at least see your copy. You will have 30 minutes total time to review each other’s essays (group of 3 – 10 minutes per person OR group of 4 – about 8 minutes per person). Review one group member’s work at a time like we did last time. Give each group member your full attention and effort. On the next slide, I have provided some guiding questions to help you give constructive feedback to each other. Use these questions to help improve the essays.

6 Questions to guide revision
Is the claim the writer is trying to make clear? Is it explicit or implied? Is it effective? How could it be improved if it’s not particularly effective? Review the qualities of the three professional essays that used narration as a mode. Does the writer utilize these qualities in their essay? If not, what needs to be added or removed? Is there a clear example of narration in the essay? Does the narrative effectively and fully support the claim being made? How could it be improved to make it more impactful? Does the narration need more detail? If so, what should the writer add? Could the narration be written more concisely? If so, what should the writer remove? Where does the author’s main claim occur? Would it be more effective if moved to the beginning or end of the essay? Would it be more impactful if it was implied or explicit? Are there any grammatical, punctuational, or structural errors that distract the reader? If so, what are they? Help the writer understand the error and how it can ALWAYS be avoided from now on. Does the writer avoid 2nd person point of view (you)?

7 Summary of Peer Discussions
Rather than having you revise this essay and turn in a new version, I’d like you to do a quick write explaining to me what you would change about your essay and what you thought you did particularly well. Open Google Classroom and go to the assignment titled: Quick Write – a summary of what I did well and what I need to improve upon in my narration essay. You have 7 minutes to write 1-2 paragraphs expressing how you improve upon your narration essay and also what you felt you did well with and would not change. Submit at the end of the 7 minutes.

8 Process Analysis as a mode
Remain in Google Classroom and remain with your groups – work on this until class ends. Open the Process Analysis Essays – should be 3 of them plus some guided questions. As a group decide if you want to read a single essay silently and then answer questions about it as a group OR if you want to read all three essays silently and then answer questions about all three. EITHER WAY: READ SILENTLY AND PROCESS WHAT YOU’RE READING. As you work, the goal is to understand and see how process analysis can be an effective mode in supporting an argument. Look for similarities among the three texts. Complete the attached document by answering questions about each of the three essays and then what they all have in common. If you complete this as a group, turn it in. If you do not get finished, it is homework as an individual. Finally, after you’ve fully processed what process analysis is. You will individually write an essay using process analysis as your primary mode. This assignment is further explained in Classroom.

9 Homework Complete the in-class mode questions on Google Classroom if your group did not complete them together. Write an argumentative essay using the mode of process analysis to develop your support. A clearer explanation is on Google Classroom as: “Modes: Process Analysis Essay.”

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