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Theme and Verisimilitude

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Presentation on theme: "Theme and Verisimilitude"— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme and Verisimilitude

2 Symbolism notes A symbol is something that represents something else, either by association or by resemblance. It can be a material (concrete) objector a written sign used to represent something invisible (an abstract idea).

3 Concrete vs. Abstract • Real or solid
• Actual physical or specific objects • Can be seen or touched Examples: School Paper Computer Person Dog Pizza • General ideas or qualities • Not physical things or specific objects • Cannot be seen or touched. Love Hope Justice Friendship Innocence Knowledge

4 Examples of symbols: Abstract Idea Dove symbolizes Peace
Concrete Object Abstract Idea Dove symbolizes Peace Skull and crossbones Death

5 Symbolism notes What do the following symbols represent?
Answer in your notes.

6 What did you come up with?
The American Flag– on a literal level, it is just a flag, a piece of cloth. However, it also stands for this particular county, for freedom, etc. What about the others?

7 Symbolism notes Think of another familiar symbol. Sketch it, and tell what it symbolizes. OR, think of a symbol that represents you. Sketch it, and explain why it symbolizes you.

8 Symbolism notes In writing, symbolism is the use of a word, phrase, character, or object which represents a deeper meaning beyond the literal level. Concrete Object Abstract Idea In the Lord of the Rings movies and books, the One Ring SYMBOLIZES power, selfishness, and greed In Edgar Allen Poe’s poem “The Raven,” the huge black bird the narrator’s deep feelings of loss, regret, and loneliness.

9 Check yo’self: Spot on:
Sometimes when a person is struggling to accept their own flaws. . . Sometimes when a person is ashamed of himself(herself). . . Sometimes when a person feels angry and withdraws from the world. . . Too vague: Sometimes when a person is in a difficult situation. . . Sometimes when a person is faced with an uncomfortable situation. . . Sometimes when a person is unhappy. . .

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