United Egypt Forming a Government.

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Presentation on theme: "United Egypt Forming a Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Egypt Forming a Government

2 Rise of Egyptian Government
Once Upon a time… In Lower Egypt the king ruled from a town called Pe. He wore a red crown to show off his power. In Upper Egypt there was a king that lived in Nekhen. He wore a white cone-shaped crown.

3 UNIFICATION Narmer - King of Upper Egypt his army invades and conquers Lower Egypt and joins them together

4 Menes (Narmer) Palette

5 He made the capital Memphis

6 Narmer also founded the first dynasty
Narmer also founded the first dynasty. A DYNASTY is a series of rulers from the same family.

7 The First Dynasty lasted for about 200 years
The First Dynasty lasted for about 200 years. Pharaohs who came after Narmer also wore a double crown.

8 The title Pharaoh means “great house”. (king)

9 Pharaoh's Role in the Old Kingdom
Government Pharaoh appointed powerful local leaders called governors

10 Pharaoh's Role in the Old Kingdom
Religion Egyptians believed that the Pharaoh was the child of Ra, the sun-god. Egyptians believed that Pharaoh gave life to Egypt & its people Egyptians worshipped the Pharaoh

11 Pharaoh's Role in the Old Kingdom
Economy Pharaoh was the center of Egypt's economy.

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