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Nationella provet – some good advice!

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Presentation on theme: "Nationella provet – some good advice!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nationella provet – some good advice!

2 Writing – Wednesday 8.30 You will have two assignments to choose between You are only going to choose one of them – the most interesting or the easiest to write about Read the instructions carefully – what are you going to write about and who is going to read it? What kind of text are you going to write? words Focus: Writing

3 The writing process Pre-writing – brainstorm, organize your topic
Drafting – create a rough copy Peer response - suggestions on what to improve Revising – improve your text Editing – proofread your work Publishing – finally!

4 Very, very important: When you think you are done, check the following: Introduction, introduction, introduction– arouse the reader’s interest! The body – what do you need to explain to the reader to make the text coherent? Divide the text into paragraphs Conclusion, conclusion, conclusion – end the text with a twist! Read the instructions once again!!! Have you got it all???

5 Finally: Proofread and check: punctuation
Then, then, then, and, and, and, I, I, I –try to vary your vocabulary Try to skip so, so … Formal – informal? Linking words and phrases

6 At last We will start at 8.30! You will have 80 minutes to write
Where? 30, 31 and 32! Do not forget a pen and an eraser! No technical equipments including music! Grading criteria Example of grading an essay

7 Reading & listening Tuesday next week, May 5, 8.30 Reading 90 minutes
Break 15 minutes Listening 50 minutes So, 8.30 – approx No technical equipments including music! Generella bedömningsanvisningar How to prepare

8 speAKING In pairs you are going to do the oral part of Nationella provet When? During the lessons Grading criteria Focus: Speaking This time it is about Connecting and Communicating

9 Good luck!!!

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