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Chapter 24.

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1 Chapter 24

2 Nixon Administration Nixon came in with an idea called New Conservativism 1969 Wanted to return a sense of order Wanted to bring an end to war, end the divide

3 New Federalism Nixon wanted to decrease influence of Federalism
Wanted to give power to the states which is a component of Federalism Wanted give states money and let them use it for what they needed: Revenue Sharing State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act 1972

4 Welfare Nixon wanted to overhaul welfare Family Assistance Plan (FAP)
Every family of 4 with no income up to 1600 a year, 4000 in supplemental Unemployed mothers had to go to school Tried to make it more responsible: not the Fed Bill went down because both parties did not like it for opposite reasons

5 New Fed: 2 Faces Enhanced some fed programs, but dismantles others
In hopes to get Demos on board, had to support some programs Increased SS, Medicare, Medicaid Dismantled: Job Corp, more funding for HUD, Disbanded OEO, Impoundment: SC said he had to send money out could not do this

6 Law and Order Politics Nix fought with Liberal elements of society
Clashed with anti war Deescalated war, oversaw peace negotiations Promised to end urban violence and protests Appealed to Silent Majority Used Agnew to confront anti war

7 Southern Strategy Needed to get support Appealed to S Demos
Got a conservative SC Justice in Burger Slowed desegregation to get their vote Hindered bussing to get their vote Opposed voting rights act of 1965 being extended Congress allowed new voters

8 New South By 1968 many S Dems ready to switch
Had voted for Segregationist Wallace Nixon was being an opportunist and working to get their vote

9 Busing Swann v Charlotte Mecklenburg Allowed for bussing to integrate
Boston and Detroit had protests Nixon protested to get vote Criticized Warren court for being so liberal

10 Economy 1963-73 high inflation and unemployment Stagflation Causes:
1. High inflation due to war and social probs 2. competition in international trade 3. new workers: young and women 4. Dependency on foreign oil Alliances hurt our access to oil

11 War on Stagflation Nixon tries to fight Raises taxes cuts budget
Congress not play along Raised interest rate to cut down on supply of money Froze wages and prices Worked a little but still in recession

12 New Foreign policy Better in world affairs
Kissinger: Advisor and Sec. of State Real Politik Consider power not morals Not confront weaker nations New direction Détente Need to visit and talk

13 Nixon’s trips! Nixon goes to China Had not recognized since 49
Trying to work rift between USSR and China Came to some agreements Neither would try to dominate Pacific Settle disputes peacefully Science and Cultural Exchange

14 Moscow On way home stops in Moscow
Works China against Moscow, and vice versa Nixon and Brezhnev SALT II Leads to peace in Vietnam

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