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Is a force necessary to keep an object in motion?

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Presentation on theme: "Is a force necessary to keep an object in motion?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is a force necessary to keep an object in motion?
Forces & Motion Is a force necessary to keep an object in motion?

2 FORCES Unbalanced Balanced

3 GRAVITY: force that depends on mass and distance between 2 objects
Acceleration Free fall All objects accelerate to Earth at a rate of 9.8m/s/s The distance an object falls increases each second it falls (recognize the pattern) Happens only when there is no air resistance. It is impossible to be “weightless” ! Astronauts “float” in orbiting space shuttles. An orbit is the curved path when forward motion and free fall are combined.

4 Speed>>>Velocity>>>Acceleration Acceleration is a change in velocity.
Speed = distance /time Velocity = speed with a direction 19.6m/s downward 19.6m/s Acceleration = gravity X time 9.8m/s/s X 3seconds = 29.4m/s As he falls, each second he falls F A R T H E R !

5 Friction, force that opposes motion
Harmful Wears tire tread Rope burns on hands, heats the tiles on the space shuttles Helpful Air resistance is fluid friction Gives traction, like to open a jar of pickles

6 7.6B Student will demonstrate that an object will remain at rest or move at a constant speed & in a straight line if it is not being subjected to an unbalanced force.

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