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Navsarjan Trust Schools Gujarat

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1 Navsarjan Trust Schools Gujarat
Maulik Nagri / Vartika Kumar November 2015

2 Agenda Background Our Involvement DSK Update Residential School Update
Student Count Cost Comparison: vs Proposal Observations during May 2013 site visit

3 Background Navsarjan founded in 1989
Goal: provide quality education to Dalit children facing harsh discrimination in government schools 3 active schools near Ahmedabad, Gujarat Estimated food cost per child INR ~900 per month in Student count at Navsarjan has dropped to 108 in due to change in policy where Navsarjan has decided to start charging students for food Historically, Navsarjan increased student count from to , but now student count has reduced through Link:

4 Our Involvement Continue to fund food subsidy, because:
Navsarjan will be able to attract students that have dropped off due to higher food costs Prior funding basis: scholarship program to encourage enrollment of female students Parents willing to pay for boys’ education, but do not encourage their daughters for education Marriage for girls at an early age very common Site visits in April 2007, January 2009, May 2010, May 2012, May 2013, July 2015, and November 2015 Partner in “Quality of Education” and “NREGA”

5 Residential School Update
Flat student count in vs despite intense efforts to recruit children Teacher Count flat at 18; 3 teachers left and 3 hired Budget for residential schools increased to 41 lacs from INR 32 lacs in largely driven by: decision to operate 3 schools; Collaboration with other NGOs planned for Chhotte Bhim Drama Competition, Other educational initiatives continue as intended: Dalit Shakti Kendra (DSK) vocational schools and Bhimshalas Continuing difficulty in hiring and retaining teachers Government schools pay teachers INR per month whereas Navsarjan pays INR 8000 per month Founder indicated strong need for raising teacher salaries

6 Student Count in Student count flat in from 116 in Seems like continuing difficulty in enhancing student count Student count faces steep decline compared to

7 Proposal INR 325,000 (or INR 65/$) to fund food subsidy for residential schools for the academic year Navsarjan has experienced students leaving due to lack of food subsidy Also, it is difficult to attract new students who may find food costs too high

8 Observations during May 2013 Site Visit
Visited school at Katariya and interviewed teachers, students and parents Navsarjan residential schools do “more with less” 5 multi-functional rooms; classroom during day; lodge at night; mess hall at other times in the day Human waste is re-used as fertilizer for gardens Schools are well-managed School management and school staff very motivated Katariya school generally clean and well-organized Students have a daily schedule and are taught essential life skills Cook and Caretaker live on premises Student interviews reveal confidence and enthusiasm in them Parent interviews reveal enthusiasm to send children to school

9 Site Visit Pictures

10 Site Visit Pictures


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