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Sculpture and Installation

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Presentation on theme: "Sculpture and Installation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sculpture and Installation
Refers to artwork with length, width, and DEPTH Is said to have the longest history of any art form. Partly attributed to the fact that materials and techniques used now were unaccepted or unheard of a century ago.

2 Sculpture and Installation:
4 Processes: Modeling Assembling Carving Casting

3 “Additive” processes:
Modeling Most “direct” method of sculpting The benefit is that it is easy to test methods before committing- can be re-worked indefinitely. <Sand Sculptors Celebrate Transient Art> Assembling Pieces or segments are joined together Use of welding, soldering, gluing, taping or other attachment methods <Sculptures from Spare Parts: Typewriter Assemblage – YouTube>

4 “Subtractive” process:
Carving Considered a more “aggressive” form of art Common materials of wood and stone, but can also include clay, plaster, and a wide variety of other materials <How It's Made: Carved Wood Structures : Video : Science Channel >

5 <How It's Made Bronze Sculptures - YouTube>
“Molding” process: Casting Indirect form of creating a sculpture Sometimes the sculptor never touches the final piece Less fear of breaking due to the durability of the materials Common materials of metal and fiberglass <How It's Made Bronze Sculptures - YouTube>

6 Some of my stuff… (2-dimensional with 3-dimensional components)



9 Some of my favorites… Shintaro Ohata – Mixed Media









18 PowerPoint/ Prezi Activity -
On your own- with a laptop or your textbook- do some research, finding a sculptor and sculpture that intriques you! Answer the following questions, and creatively present in a PowerPoint or Prezi: Artist/ Artists Name/ Names Title of Piece Year Piece Was Made Medium/ Material and Process (which one of the 4 processes does this fall under?) Find 1 interesting fact about this work of art

19 Art Appreciation- Sculpture
Incorporate a 3-D element into your journal (Pop-Up design or other)- refer to the example, and refer to the website templates to use for pop-up art: If you have a website- incorporate a video that relates to a form of sculpture- connect it to a sculpture from the group event or one of your independent events.

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