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2 Objective We will try to review everything that we have learned this year.

3 Standard #1 Motion 1. Position is defined in relation to some choice of a standard reference point and a set of reference directions. Example: You are the point of reference to things that are near you.

4 2. The average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the total time elapsed and the speed of an object along the path traveled can vary.

5 Example of Speed: If you traveled a distance of 100 miles and you were going at an average speed of 50 miles per hour, how long will it take you to get to your destination?

6 Velocity of an object must be described by specifying both the direction and the speed of an object.

7 Velocity Example: What is the velocity of a car that traveled a total of 75 km north in 1.5 hr?

8 Standard #2: Forces Weight does not equal mass.
Newton’s 3 Laws of motion Law of Inertia F=MA For every action there us an equal but opposite reaction (Rockets)


10 Unbalanced forces cause changes in velocity
Unbalanced forces cause changes in velocity. As a basis for understanding this concept: A force can push or pull. Forces has both direction and magnitude.

11 Example of Adding and subtracting forces: Lable them as balanced or unbalanced.
5N  + 5N  = 10N  + 2N  =

12 Types of forces we have talked about
Air Resistance Friction Gravity

13 Standard #3: Structure of Matter
Each elements of matter has distinct properties and a distinct atomic structure. All forms of matter are composed of one or more of the elements.

14 The structure of an ATOM are composed of protons, neutron and electrons.

15 Compounds are formed by combining two or more different elements and compounds have properties that are different from other elements. Know how to balance equations

16 Example: Balance the following equation, identify the bonding type, and identify the type of reaction taking place. __N2 + __H2  __NH3

17 There are three states of matter and they depend on molecular motion.

18 Standard #4: Earth in the Solar Systems
Galaxies are clusters of billions of stars and may have different shapes. We live in the Milky Way Galaxy. Sun is a star in the Milky Way Galaxy. Andromeda galaxy is the next Spiral to us. Stars vary in size, temperature and color.

19 Milky Way


21 Types of Galaxies Spiral Galaxy: Spiral Galaxy:

22 Elliptical Galaxy

23 Barred Spiral Galaxy

24 Light years are measured to measure distance in space.
Light years= 300,000 km/s Stars are luminescent which means they give off light. Moons are just reflectors of the star light.


26 Standard #5: Reactions Chemical reactions are process in which atoms are rearranged into different combinations of molecules.

27 Law of conservation of mass: (please fill in)
What I an exothermic reaction? What is an endothermic reaction?

28 Physical change: A change in a substance that does not change its identity. Chemical composition stays the same. Ice melting into water. Physical Property: Is observed with the senses and can be determined without destroying the object. Example: Color, size, shape, length etc.

29 Standard #6: Chemistry of Living Systems
Carbon can combine with many different elements and itself to create living organisms.

30 Living organisms are mostly made of:

31 Living organisms have many different kinds of molecules, including small ones (Water, Salt) an very large ones.

32 Carbohydrates

33 Fats

34 Proteins

35 DNA

36 Standard #7: Periodic Table
The organization of the periodic table is based on the properties of the elements and reflects the structure of atoms. Know that the atomic number tells you the number of protons a an element has. From that number you can determine the neutrons and electrons.

37 Standard #8: Density and Buoyancy
An objects floats when the buoyant force is greater than gravity. Density is mass per unit volume.

38 Example of Density of irregular Solid

39 Density problem: Frank has a paperclip that weighs 9g and a volume of 3cm3 what is its density?

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