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Membership of EBIS to support Shell Vetting process

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1 Membership of EBIS to support Shell Vetting process
Cefic Workshop 12th October 2011 Brussels Ed Wijbrands Marine manager “Small Ships & Barges” EW 2011 1

2 2011 YTD Tanker barge Industry HSSE top 10
Collision/Grounding Manning Wheelhouse Stability Mooring Spill Cargo operations Procedures Navigation Violation with legislation EW 2011

3 EW 2011

4 Data base Pharox/Shell Interface Internal data base
Internal vetting process EW 2011 4

5 Common Industry approach Barge Inspections:
Benefits for Shell: Common Industry approach Barge Inspections: - Standardized Questionnaire(s) - Accredited Inspectors - Standardized Inspection procedures - Well maintained data base - Minimize Risk - Reduce Inspection cost Access to all Inspection reports in the data base: - Technical information - Inspection results - Contact data of barges and operators Data direct integrated in in Shell vetting process EW 2011 5

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