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Diagnostics outside the laboratory

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1 Diagnostics outside the laboratory
NPEx road show, 21 November 2016 Dr Michael Power Evidence-based practice lead, NuTH Deputy Director NIHR Diagnostic Evidence Co-operative (DEC), Newcastle

2 How to add value with diagnostics?
Diagnostics outside the service laboratory Ethos of evidence-based practice + Remit of NIHR DEC High value testing

3 How to measure value of a healthcare service?
Clinical value = clinical outcomes for cost of service Outcomes = net benefits Net benefits = total benefits – total harms Cost = net cost Net cost = total cost – total income Value of a change = improvement in outcomes ÷ change in costs ICER = incremental cost-effectiveness ratio = 1 / Value Economists see the world upside down nwod edispu

4 How to add value to healthcare services?
Value “doing the thing” Add value by “doing the thing right” Add value by “doing the right thing right” E.g. NPEx + EBM High value High value E.g. NPEx High value Poor value Efficiency gain Efficiency gain Poor value Poor value Effective-ness gain Hat tip to Sir Muir Gray: Better value healthcare

5 How to value testing? Key question Evaluation methods How accurate is the test? How useful is the test to patients? Would investing in it provide value for money, and be affordable? Diagnostic accuracy Clinical utility Health economics studies

6 How to measure test accuracy?
Laboratory-important measures Patient- and clinician-important measures Sensitivity Specificity Predictive values of a result “Collateral damage”: false positive results false negative results Useful when comparing results from different studies because prevalence has no effect Can be used with case-control studies Needed by patients and clinicians for decision-making Must not be used with case-control studies Must not be used without stating prevance

7 Clinical accuracy of a test

8 Clinical accuracy of a test

9 Clinical accuracy of a test

10 How to measure clinical utility?
Patient- and clinician-important chances Patient- and clinician-important outcomes Predictive values of a result “Collateral damage”: false positive results false negative results Benefits Harms Expected utility = probability of the outcome × outcome Net expected utility = sum(expected utilities of good and bad outcomes)

11 How to measure clinical utility?
Decision threshold Informal calculation: expected benefits outweigh expected harms and costs Formal calculation: health economics See

12 How to measure cost-effectiveness?
Laboratory-important measures Patient- and clinician-important measures Sensitivity Specificity Predictive values of a result “Collateral damage”: false positive results false negative results Useful when comparing results from different studies because prevalence has no effect Can be used with case-control studies Needed by patients and clinicians for decision-making Must not be used with case-control studies Must not be used without stating prevance

13 How to measure cost-effectiveness?
Value = outcomes for cost Outcomes = net benefits Net benefits = total benefits – total harms Cost = net cost Net cost = total cost – total income Value = improvement in outcomes ÷ change in costs ICER = incremental cost-effectiveness ratio = 1 / Value Economists see the world upside down nwod edispu Value for money Affordability

14 Adding value with diagnostics
Add value by “doing the right thing right” Clinical accuracy PPV and NPV given prevalence Clinical utility PPV and NPV cf decision threshold High value Efficiency gain Effective-ness gain

15 Questions and discussion

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