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The Tides Begin to Turn Unit 7: Civil War.

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1 The Tides Begin to Turn Unit 7: Civil War

2 The Battle of Gettysburg July 1st- 3rd 1863
Unit 7: the Civil War

3 Day 1: July 1st 1863 General Lee heads North…again
Why does he invade north? General George Meade They Meet in Gettysburg PA 3 day battle Day 1: Legend has it Confederates were looking for shoes. Union Cavalry slows progress. Confederates take town Missed opportunities

4 Day 2: July 2nd 1863 I think I can…I think I can…
90,000 Union vs. 70,000 Confederates Lee (C) orders Longstreet (C) to take Little Round Top. Joshua Chamberlin (U) Led the 20th Maine Improbable victory at Little Round Top

5 Day 3: July 3rd 1864 Lee’s Fatal Mistake
Lee commits troops to one final Assault. Massive Artillery Assault Union guns go quiet. Believes the line is weak. Pickett’s charge Straight at the center 75% casualties Casualties Confederacy- 27,000 Union- 23,000

6 Meanwhile in the West Unit 7: The Civil War

7 Build Up to Vicksburg Union’s Goal: Battle of Corinth
Capture the Mississippi River Vicksburg strategically Located. Battle of Corinth October 3rd-4th 1862 Grant pulls back to Tenn. Grant attempts 4 times to position troops for an assault. Makes it south March 31st 1863

8 Siege of Vicksburg

9 Siege of Vicksburg: May 18th- July 4th 1863
Grant (U) cuts off Johnston (C). Siege of Vicksburg 6 weeks May- July 1863 July 3rd Surrender terms are offered. July 4th the city falls Confederacy is officially split into two.

10 Has the Confederacy hit it’s high water mark?
Think-Pair-Share Has the Confederacy hit it’s high water mark?

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