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Level I Course Offerings

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1 Level I Course Offerings 2016-2017
Gonzaga High School Level I Course Offerings February 18, 2016

2 Key Numbers Courses are assigned a credit value of either 1 credit or 2 credits Each student takes 14 credits a year Over 3 years, 42 credits possible 36 credits required to graduate Graduation requirements and post-secondary plans must be kept in mind when selecting courses!!

3 Courses vs Credits All courses are followed by a four digit number:
First digit = level when course is generally taken: Art 1201 = first year English 3201 = third year Second digit = number of credits the course is worth: Canadian Law 2104 = 1 credit Math 1204 = 2 credits A student takes 14 CREDITS not 14 courses per year!

4 Course selection Form Three parts Required courses Elective Courses
Alternate Courses Gonzaga High School Course Offerings

5 Required Courses

6 Language Arts Courses A
Two Choices English 1201 – for most students Literacy 1204 / English 1202 – for students who need extra English supports Gonzaga High School Course Offerings

7 Canadian Studies B Canadian History 1201 Canadian Geography 1202
Two Choices Canadian History 1201 Canadian Geography 1202 NL Studies 2205 French Immersion students will not choose from this category Gonzaga High School Course Offerings

8 French Immersion C Français 1202 Carriere et vie 2231
Two required courses – students will register for both Français 1202 Carriere et vie 2231 Gonzaga High School Course Offerings

9 Mathematics D Three Choices Math 1201 – Academic
Math Practical (for students who need extra supports in Math) Math 1201 / 2200 – Advanced Gonzaga High School Course Offerings

10 Science Courses E Seven Choices Science 1206 - Academic
Science 1206/Biology 2201 Science 1206/Chemistry 2202 Science 1206/Physics 2204 Science 1206/Bio 2201/Chem 2202 Science 1206/Phys 2204/Chem 2202 Science 2200– for students who need extra help with Science Gonzaga High School Course Offerings

11 Career F 2 credits Career Development 2201
Requires 30 hours of volunteer community service in order to graduate Gonzaga High School Course Offerings

12 Elective Courses Choose courses to make total of 14 credits overall
There are many other elective courses beyond Level I

13 Fine Arts G 2 credits over 3 years
Art Technologies 1201 (not a computer course) Drama 2206 – also opt Lang Arts Experiencing Music 2200 Applied Music 2206 (vocal) Applied Music 2206 (Instrumental) Applied Music 2206 (guitar/piano) Clothing 1101/Textiles 3101 NL Studies 2205 Gonzaga High School Course Offerings

14 Ensemble Performance Choral Ensemble 1105
Instrumental Ensemble 1105 These courses are taken outside the instructional day-after school or during lunch-a good option for FI students

15 Optional Lang. Arts H 2 credits over 3 years
Writing 2203 Drama 2206 – also Fine Arts French 1200 – also Other Required Credits French 2200 – also Other Required Credits Gonzaga High School Course Offerings

16 Other Required Credits I 4 credits over 3 years
French 1200 (opt Lang Arts or other required) French 2200 (opt Lang Arts or other required) Design Fabrication 1202 Skilled Trades 1201 Clothing 1101 / Textiles 3101 Nutrition 2102 / Nutrition 3102 Human Dynamics 2201 Gonzaga High School Course Offerings

17 Other Required Credits 4 credits over 3 years
Must be chosen from at least two different subject areas An exception is all four credits can be satisfied by Core French or French Immersion Gonzaga High School Course Offerings

18 Physical Education J 2 credits over 3 years
Phys Ed 2100 / 2101 Healthy Living 1200 (also Other Required Credits) Gonzaga High School Course Offerings

19 Possible Schedule 1 English 1201(2) Mathematics 1201 (2)
Science 1206 (2) Career Development 2201(2) Canadian History 1201 (2) French 1200 (2) Phys. Ed. 2100/2101 (2)Total: 14 credits

20 Possible Schedule 2 Français 1202 (2) Carriere et vie 2231 (2)
English 1201 (2) Mathematics 1201 / 2200 (4) Science 1206 / Chemistry 2202 (4) Total: 14 credits

21 Possible Schedule 3 Français 1202 (2) Carriere et vie 2231 (2)
English 1201 (2) Mathematics 1201 / 2200 (4) Science 1206 / Phys 2204/ Chem 2202 (6) Total: 16 credits of courses Total: 14 credits of time

22 Alternate Courses Indicate a couple of other courses that could replace elective courses if first choice isn’t available.

23 Final Comments Course selection sheets need to be returned to your homeroom teacher by Monday, February 29, 2016. Parent Information meeting will be on Tuesday, February 23rd at Gonzaga 7:00 PM (Gym)

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