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How does Heat get transferred from one thing to another?

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Presentation on theme: "How does Heat get transferred from one thing to another?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How does Heat get transferred from one thing to another?
Heat Transfer! How does Heat get transferred from one thing to another?

2 Heat Transfer Table Type of Heat Transfer Definition Transfer Medium
Example Picture or Symbol Conduction Convection Radiation

3 Conduction Definition
Heat Transfer through Direct Contact Heat is transferred by touching The “d” in Conduction goes with the “D” in Direct Contact

4 Conduction Transfer Mediums
Solids Liquids Gases

5 Conduction Examples Solid= Eggs frying in a pan
Eggs are touching the pan & the pan is touching the heat source Liquid= Hot H2O + Cold H2O = Warm H2O The hot H2O molecules touch the cold H2O molecules and make them warm Gas= Steam heats the air The steam released touches the air molecules and heats them up

6 Conduction Pic/Symbol

7 Convection Definition
Heat Transfer through Convection Currents Convection Currents

8 Convection Transfer Medium
Liquids Gases

9 Convection Examples Warming of a pool Warming of a room
Warming of the Earth Warming of a body of water…river, lake, ocean, etc.

10 Convection Pic/Symbol

11 Radiation Definition Heat Transfer by radiation waves Moving subatomic particles Electromagnetic Radiation

12 Radiation Transfer Mediums
Empty Space Air

13 Radiation Examples Heat radiating from the sun Heat radiating from a fire Ex) UV light from the sun, campfire, etc.

14 Radiation Pic/Symbol

15 Heat from the Sun or a Fire
Heat Transfer Table Type of Heat Transfer Definition Transfer Medium Example Picture or Symbol Conduction Direct Contact Touch Solids Liquids Gases Cooking Eggs Frying in a Pan Convection Currents Warming a room or a pool Radiation Waves Empty Space Heat from the Sun or a Fire

16 Temperature Scales Fahrenheit Scale= Celsius Scale=
Most commonly used in the US. 32 degrees is the temperature at which water freezes and 212 degrees is when water boils. Celsius Scale= Most commonly used all over the world. 0 degrees is the temperature at which water freezes and 100 degrees is when water boils.

17 Kelvin Scale= The temperature scale most commonly used in Physical Science. The temperature that water freezes at is 273 degrees and boils at 373 degrees. Absolute zero is -273 C and 0 kelvin.

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