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7th Grade Life Science Mrs. Julie Godfrey

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1 7th Grade Life Science Mrs. Julie Godfrey
Welcome! 7th Grade Life Science Mrs. Julie Godfrey

2 About Mrs. Godfrey… Education Career Outside of School
Bachelor’s and Master’s from University of Florida Educational Specialist from Kennesaw State University Career This is my 18th year teaching I have taught 6th, 7th, and 8th grade science, reading, and remedial math Outside of School Husband Tim & two little ones Reagan (3) and Evan (21 months)

3 Life Science… Georgia Standards of Excellence
Science process skills, Cells, Genetics, Human Body Systems, Evolution, Ecology

4 Top 5 Ways to find success…
1. Homework Usually finishing work from class, try NOT to give HW on Fridays 2. Study When struggling in class study early and often 10 minutes a day 3. Help sessions Wednesdays 4:05-4:35 pm May visit other teacher’s help sessions too Other times by appointment 4. Paper Management Notebook TOC is updated multiple times per week 5. Grading scheme Tests & Projects 50% Classwork 10% Labs, Quizzes 35% HW 5%

5 How will information be shared?
Friday Notes Notification When a student’s grade falls below 80% When student’s are placed on probation in advanced Parent communication Mrs. G’s Website:

6 How can you help your child?
If your child is absent for more than one day, have them me so I can help them with missed work Keep me informed Work with your child on time management and pacing

7 Have a wonderful year!!

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