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TGDATA 13/2, WGDIKE 14/2 Good afternoon everyone and thanks for the opportunity of presenting at this meeting the progress.

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Presentation on theme: "TGDATA 13/2, WGDIKE 14/2 Good afternoon everyone and thanks for the opportunity of presenting at this meeting the progress."— Presentation transcript:

1 TGDATA 13/2, WGDIKE 14/2
Good afternoon everyone and thanks for the opportunity of presenting at this meeting the progress made so far with this shared initiative On my todays presentation I have included 3 introductory slides for those of you that are not familiar with WISE Marine. Additionally I have included one slide to explain what we have done so far and one extra slide to explain what we are planning to do on PHASE II that will be developed in 2018. So let me start, revising what is WISE Marine (also know as the Jetti of the information Platform) and what make it special .

2 WISE-Marine Users Member States. National, regional and local administrations working in marine policy development or implementation EU institutions Professionals working in the marine and coastal field from public or private organisations Scientists working in the marine fields General public, including in this group those working in private or public entities not directly related to marine policy but with an indirect interest The last of my introductory slides relates to our users. We believe among the users the following 5 types should be distinguished.

3 WISE-Marine - Launch phase (2017)
Launched at Our Ocean Conference All right, so… what have we done during this first phase (2017)? In short implementing the WISE-Marine business plan. On a more long story telling version we have carried over the implementation of the platform contents and some of its mean features including the: Indicators catalogue development (list of indicators published by RSCs). Map viewers: will be ready by end of 2017 In addition, we have also trigged the content presentation and discussions at DIKE, TGDATA and its officialhigh-level launch in the context of the “Our Ocean Conference 2017”. In summary, 2017 has been an intense year for WISE Marine, but we believe the results are positive, as is the success story of its high-level launch during the Malta Conference. Having said this, we all know that this is just the first step, and that a big challenge lies ahead and that is why I would like to share with you our plans for Phase II. 

4 Policy Run through of website layout: Policy Section

5 Topics Run through of website layout: Topics Section

6 Data Run through of website layout: Data Section

7 Maps Run through of website layout: Maps Section

8 Research Run through of website layout: Research Section

9 Countries Interactive country map: Marine Area (km2)
MSFD Marine Regions Description and link to national maritime/marine policy implementation Link to MSFD specific information base i.e. a public portal Run through of website layout: Countries Section with overview of proposed structure

10 WISE-Marine - Phase II (2018 - 2019)
1. MSFD reporting – October 2018 - Continue the development of a European Indicator Library by updating it with information published by RSCs and EEA - Update the Map Viewers with relevant map services - Implement INSPIRE metadata catalogue for datasets published under MSFD Article 19.3 - Development of a MSFD data search engine 2. Ensure coordination with RSCs - to include information and links to their regional assessments 3. Member States pages - Links to national sites and improve visibility of MS activities on MSFD implementation So what are we planning for 2018? ..For 2018 our priorities focus on 5 main axes: 1. MSFD Data reporting – October 2018 2. Enhance the Marine Knowledge Base within EU and the Global context 3. Ensure the coordination with RSCs 4. Member States pages. 5. Coordination with key partners In summary, a decisive year to keep on adjusting and improving WISE-Marine and a year where we hope to count again with your support.

11 WISE-Marine - Phase II (2018 - 2019)
4. Enhance the Marine Knowledge Base within EU and the Global context - Inclusion of information from EEA and regional Thematic Assessments - Sustainable Development Goal (14) links 5. Coordination with key partners - (ICES, EMODnet, JPI-Ocean, The European MSP Platform, Copernicus, etc..) So what are we planning for 2018? ..For 2018 our priorities focus on 5 main axes: 1. MSFD Data reporting – October 2018 2. Enhance the Marine Knowledge Base within EU and the Global context 3. Ensure the coordination with RSCs 4. Member States pages. 5. Coordination with key partners In summary, a decisive year to keep on adjusting and improving WISE-Marine and a year where we hope to count again with your support.

12 Thank you!

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