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Kingdom: Protista “Leftover Kingdom”

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1 Kingdom: Protista “Leftover Kingdom”

2 Common Characteristics
Eukaryotic Unicellular/Multicellular Range in size Ancestors to all other Eukaryotic kingdoms

3 Inside other organisms
Environments Freshwater Saltwater Inside other organisms Pic on right – zooxanthellae – dinoflagellate that forms a symbiotic relationship with coral

4 Based on the way they obtain nutrients
Classification Based on the way they obtain nutrients Animal-like: protozoan (left) Plant-like: green algae (middle) Fungus-like: slime mold (right)

5 Animal-like Protists Protozoans Heterotrophic Unicellular
Further Classification: (pseudopods, flagella, cilia)

6 Plant-like Protists Have chlorophyll (no roots, stems, leaves)
Photoautotrophic Produce much of earth’s O2 Have chlorophyll (no roots, stems, leaves) Multicellular and Unicellular

7 Plant-like Protists Giant Kelp and Algae

8 Fungus-like Protists Heterotrophic Decomposer External Digestion
Mostly Unicellular

9 Importance Plant-like – Oxygen Fungus-like – Recycle (Trichonympha)
Symbiotic Relationships Food Source Phytoplankton/Zooplankton Human use of algae Produce 70% of Earth’s O2 Fungus-like protists recycle nutrients Symbiotic relationships – ex: TRICK-OH-NIM-FAH live inside termintes to help digest wood FIGHT-O-PLANKTON: Food source for sea animals Sushi wrap, agar plates, medicine, salad dressing, ice cream(algae derivatives)

10 Diseases Entamoeba Trypanosoma Giardia Plasmodium
Amebiasis (diarrhea & intestinal bleeding) Contaminated water Trypanosoma African Sleeping Sickness (high fever & sleepiness) Tsetse Fly Giardia Giardiasis (fatigue & diarrhea) Contaminated Food Plasmodium Malaria (flu-like symptoms) Mosquitos En-tah-mee-buh AM-UH-BYE-A-SIS Trip – an – uh-soma Set – see fly gee-ar-dye-sis

11 Unknown Paramecium Chaos Amoeba Chlamydomonas Stentor Spirostomum

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