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Interwar Years How did nationalism affect Asia and the Middle East in the 1920’s and 1930’s? What led to worldwide economic depression after WWI? How.

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Presentation on theme: "Interwar Years How did nationalism affect Asia and the Middle East in the 1920’s and 1930’s? What led to worldwide economic depression after WWI? How."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interwar Years How did nationalism affect Asia and the Middle East in the 1920’s and 1930’s? What led to worldwide economic depression after WWI? How did dreams of empire affect the actions of Japan? What led to the rise of totalitarian dictators in Europe after WWI?

2 China May 4th Movement- China’s movement against foreign Imperialism Chiang Kai-shek- leaders of Kuomintang Mao Zedong- led the Long March, leader of Communist Party

3 India Amritsar Massacre- British soldiers open fire on India demonstrators Mohandas Gandhi- Civil Disobedience, Ahimsa- Non violence

4 Middle East Kemal Ataturk- Father of the Turks
Reza Khan- Overthrew the shah of Persia, changed name to Iran

5 US Economy Consumer Goods- Automobile to vacuum cleaners
Buying on the Margin- Buying stock with credit Speculation- buying high risk stock to gain a quick profit Unequal Distribution of Wealth- Top 1% Credit- Buying now pay back later Black Tuesday- Stock market Crash Unemployment Herbert Hoover- Laissez-Faire Franklin Roosevelt- New Deal John Maynard Keynes- New Economic Theory

6 Worldwide Depression Debt Reparations Unemployment Inflation
Bank Closures Smoot-Hawley Tariff

7 Quiz Choose 5 Chiang Kai-shek Mao Zedong Long March Amritsar Massacre
Mohandas Gandhi Kemal Ataturk Credit Black Tuesday Great Depression Franklin Roosevelt Herbert Hoover New Deal John Maynard Keynes

8 How did dreams of empire affect the actions of Japan?
Japanese Imperialism How did dreams of empire affect the actions of Japan?

9 Japanese Imperialism 1929- The Great Depression hits Japan
1931 Japan takes control of Manchuria 1933 Japan withdraws from the League of Nations 1934 Japan announces it will no longer submit limits on its navy 1936 Japan signs agreement with Germany 1937 Japanese troops kill hundreds of thousands of civilians in Nanjing 1940 Japan attempts to expand its power in Asia by proposing an economic alliance with Asian nations.

10 What led to the rise of totalitarian dictators in Europe?

11 Totalitarian Governments
Political The state is more important than individuals The government is controlled by a single political party A powerful dictator unites the people and the government Social The government controls all aspects of daily life Secret police use terror and violence to enforce government policies Citizens are denied basic rights and liberties Economic The government controls businesses and directs the national economy Labor and business are used to fulfill the objectives of the state

12 Benito Mussolini Fascism- Extreme nationalism, Nation above individual needs March on Rome Totalitarianism Ethiopia- Haile Selassie

13 Joseph Stalin Totalitarian State 5 Year Plans
Collectivization- execution and Siberia Great Purge

14 Adolf Hitler Postwar Germany Weimar Republic Inflation Nazi Party
1923 Coup Mein Kampf 1933 Hitler named chancellor Anti-Semitism Nuremberg Laws Kristallnacht

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