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3 STATEMENTS Statements Agree 1
No. Statements S. Agree Agree Undecided Disagree S. Disagree 1 I have a good opportunity for advancement in my job 2 I feel very comfortable with my co-workers 3 My pay is adequate to meet my necessary expenses 4 My work gives me a sense of accomplishment 5 My boss is impolite and cold 6 My job is a dead-end job 7 The company of my co-workers is boring 8 Pay at my level is less as compared to other organizations

4 STATEMENTS Statements Agree 9
No. Statements S. Agree Agree Undecided Disagree S. Disagree 9 Most of the time I am frustrated with my work 10 My boss praises good work and is supportive 11 There is a chance of frequent promotions in my job 12 My co-workers are a source of inspiration for me 13 I receive reasonable annual increments 14 My work is very challenging to me 15 My boss is adept in his work 16 We have an unfair promotion policy in our organization

5 STATEMENTS Statements Agree 17
No. Statements S. Agree Agree Undecided Disagree S .Disagree 17 Working style of my co-workers is different from mine 18 The old-age benefits are quite adequate 19 Most of the time I do routine work 20 My boss does not delegate powers 21 Opportunity for promotion is some-what limited here 22 My co-workers try to take credit of my work 23 My pay is commensurate with my qualification

6 Scales and Indexes For most purposes, scales and indexes are used interchangeably. Social researchers do not use consistent nomenclature to distinguish between them.

7 Scale A scale is measure in which a researcher captures the intensity, direction, level, or potency of a variable construct. It arranges responses or observations on a continuum. It can use single indicator or multiple indicators Most are at the ordinal level of measurement

8 Index A measure in which the researcher adds or combines several distinct indicators of a construct into a single score. This composite score is often a simple sum of the multiple indicators. Combination of items into a single numerical score. MCQ score. Indexes are often measured at the interval or ratio level. Researchers often combine the features of scales and indexes in a single measure.

9 Scale Series of items arranged according to value for the purpose of quantification A continuous spectrum

10 Nominal Scale

11 Ordinal Scale

12 Interval Scale

13 Ratio Scale

14 Scale Properties Uniquely classifies Preserves order Equal intervals
Natural zero

15 Nominal Scale Properties
Uniquely classifies Male, female Muslims, non Muslims Different nationalities Mutually exclusive categories, though collectively exhaustive. No overlapping. No gradation

16 Ordinal Scale Properties
Uniquely classifies Preserves order

17 Interval Scale Properties
Uniquely classifies Preserves order Equal intervals Consumer Price Index (Base 100) Fahrenheit temperature

18 Ratio Scale Properties
Uniquely classifies Preserves order Equal intervals Natural zero Weight and distance

19 Index Measures ATTRIBUTES. A single characteristic or fundamental feature that pertains to an object, person, or issue COMPOSITE MEASURE. A composite measure of several attributes to measure a single concept; a multi-item instrument

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