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57 Mental Health.

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1 57 Mental Health

2 Psychology is the science of behavior and the human thought process
True False

3 Psychology is the science of behavior and the human thought process
True False

4 Mental disorders are defined as any behavior or emotional state that causes an individual great suffering or worry, is self-defeating or self-destructive, or disrupts the person’s day-to-day relationships True False

5 Mental disorders are defined as any behavior or emotional state that causes an individual great suffering or worry, is self-defeating or self-destructive, or disrupts the person’s day-to-day relationships True False

6 Abnormal psychology is the study of behavior that deviates from the normal
True False

7 Abnormal psychology is the study of behavior that deviates from the normal
True False

8 The psychologist usually
Administers psychological tests Facilitates psychotherapy Does research All of the above

9 The psychologist usually
Administers psychological tests Facilitates psychotherapy Does research All of the above

10 Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders True False

11 Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders True False

12 Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that deals with the ______ of mental disorders
Diagnosis Treatment Prevention All of the above

13 Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that deals with the ______ of mental disorders
Diagnosis Treatment Prevention All of the above

14 Mental disorders are caused by organic changes to the brain, such as depression, but exclude substance abuse and other disorders that are primarily behavioral True False

15 Mental disorders are caused by organic changes to the brain, such as depression, but exclude substance abuse and other disorders that are primarily behavioral True False

16 Behavioral disorders are caused not by brain changes but primarily by the patient’s behavior
True False

17 Behavioral disorders are caused not by brain changes but primarily by the patient’s behavior
True False

18 Anxiety disorders are not mild emotional disturbances that impair judgment
True False

19 Anxiety disorders are not mild emotional disturbances that impair judgment
True False

20 Anxiety is often a vague feeling of
Apprehension Worry Uneasiness or dread All of the above

21 Anxiety is often a vague feeling of
Apprehension Worry Uneasiness or dread All of the above

22 Although a certain amount of anxiety is normal, some patients have abnormal fears that are known as
Phobias Compulsions Obsessions None of the above

23 Although a certain amount of anxiety is normal, some patients have abnormal fears that are known as
Phobias Compulsions Obsessions None of the above

24 The fear of leaving the home and going out is agoraphobia and an example of
Phobias Compulsions Obsessions None of the above

25 The fear of leaving the home and going out is agoraphobia and an example of
Phobias Compulsions Obsessions None of the above

26 Cognitive disorders impair the ability of a patient to think clearly
True False

27 Cognitive disorders impair the ability of a patient to think clearly
True False

28 Dissociative disorders do not cause a person to withdraw from reality and dissociate at least temporarily from the life issues that give them anxiety True False

29 Dissociative disorders do not cause a person to withdraw from reality and dissociate at least temporarily from the life issues that give them anxiety True False

30 Mood disorders Hypochondriac Eating disorder Personality disorder
A disorder in which the patient is preoccupied with fears of having, or the idea that one has, a serious disease, based on a misinterpretation of one of more bodily signs or symptoms Mood disorders Hypochondriac Eating disorder Personality disorder

31 Mood disorders Hypochondriac Eating disorder Personality disorder
A disorder in which the patient is preoccupied with fears of having, or the idea that one has, a serious disease, based on a misinterpretation of one of more bodily signs or symptoms Mood disorders Hypochondriac Eating disorder Personality disorder

32 Mood disorders Hypochondriac Anorexia Personality disorder
A psychiatric disorder in which patients are so starved for affection that they starve themselves while believing that they are overweight Mood disorders Hypochondriac Anorexia Personality disorder

33 Mood disorders Hypochondriac Anorexia Personality disorder
A psychiatric disorder in which patients are so starved for affection that they starve themselves while believing that they are overweight Mood disorders Hypochondriac Anorexia Personality disorder

34 Mood disorders Hypochondriac Eating disorder Personality disorder
Depression is __________ characterized by a lack of enjoyment in life’s pleasures, such as food, sex, friends, family, and hobbies Mood disorders Hypochondriac Eating disorder Personality disorder

35 Mood disorders Hypochondriac Eating disorder Personality disorder
Depression is __________ characterized by a lack of enjoyment in life’s pleasures, such as food, sex, friends, family, and hobbies Mood disorders Hypochondriac Eating disorder Personality disorder

36 ____________ includes narcissistic paranoid, antisocial histrionic and borderline behavior
Mood disorders Hypochondriac Eating disorder Personality disorder

37 ____________ includes narcissistic paranoid, antisocial histrionic and borderline behavior
Mood disorders Hypochondriac Eating disorder Personality disorder

38 Psychotic disorders are severe mental disorders that interfere with patients’ perceptions of reality and their ability to cope with the demands of daily living True False

39 Psychotic disorders are severe mental disorders that interfere with patients’ perceptions of reality and their ability to cope with the demands of daily living True False

40 Schizophrenia is not a psychotic disorder
True False

41 Schizophrenia is not a psychotic disorder
True False

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