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Presentation of the thematic groups

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1 Presentation of the thematic groups
Eric FEUNTEUN University of La Rochelle

2 Role of the Scientific Committee
Ensure that the indicators are correctly setup and scientific objectives of INDICANG are met. Glass eel recruitment (UPPA, ADERA, CEMAGREF) Yellow eel stock indicators (CEMAGREF, CSP, Fish Pass) Silver eel indicators (University of La Rochelle, MNCN) Environment thematic group (IMA, CSP, EKOLUR) Setup links between indicators in order to define synthetic indicators of the state of the stock Setup links between catchments in order to provide a general view of the state of the stock. Propose guidelines to setup or improve the indicators.

3 Role of the catchment “groups”
Implement indicators as defined and proposed by the scientific committee. Provide an appraisal of the state of the stock and of the environment Define restoration targets. Catchment STC Define a methodology to improve the knowledge on the state of the population. And of the environment Thematic groups

4 Environment Indicators
Working method From biological to Environmental indicators Glass eels Yellow eels Silver eel Stock assessment Quantitative methods Flux (nb or biomass per river and per year) Production (kg per surface and per year) Semi-quantitative CPUE Density Presence Quality of individuals Contamination by pollutants Contamination by parasites Individual condition Population dynamics Mortality rates (%SPR) Evaluation of anthropogenic mortality Environment Indicators

5 Working method Adapt to the context in each catchment
Characteristics Size Types of water bodies Social context Fishery Scientific survey of fishery and habitat Development Physical obstructions Chemical obstructions Status of the habitat Quality of the water Chemical pollutants Water usage Define appropriate set of indicators With a minimum baseline for upscaling Environment Indicators

6 Working method Appraise the state of the stock & Set targets
Based on historical records Fishery Spatial distribution Based on intersystem comparison Neighbouring river systems Comparison with similar ecosystems LINK WITH THE CATCHMENT GROUPS Neutral Bad Good Interest of Modelling issues : from data poor to data rich systems Set reference points, and management targets...

7 Working method Implementation of regional indicators
Based on historical records Fishery Spatial distribution Based on intersystem comparison Neighbouring river systems Comparison with similar ecosystems LINK WITH THE CATCHMENT GROUPS

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