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“Nobody wants to kiss when they are hungry.”

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1 “Nobody wants to kiss when they are hungry.”
Read the following quote, and write a one paragraph reflection. What do you think the quote means? How might it apply to the present day? Reflection should be 3-4 COMPLETE sentences. You have 4 minutes after the bell to complete the assignment. “Nobody wants to kiss when they are hungry.” Dorothea Dix

2 Unit 4 Part 4: Antebellum Reformers

3 2nd G.A. said you are responsible for your own salvation
Transc. said you should follow your conscience Put those two together and you get reformers

4 Education Reform Horace Mann promoted the public school system & teacher training Good public schools = social stability and equal opportunity

5 Vegetarianism Sylvester Graham believed in vegetarianism, sexual restraint, and temperance Also endorsed whole wheat flour


7 Temperance movement to ban alcohol.
Focused on suffering of women and children

8 Temperance pledge Pressured by his determined wife and pleading child, this reluctant tippler is about to submit to "moral suasion" and sign the pledge to abstain from alcohol. (Library of Congress) Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

9 Prisons & Asylums – Dorothea Dix leads reform effort

10 Now prisons become penitentiaries Asylums
In colonial times, prisons were places of brief confinement before punishment (usually death or public humiliation) Now prisons become penitentiaries The guilty are removed from society Meant to experience penitence & rehabilitation Asylums Previously, most insane were kept at home or thrown in jail Dorothea Dix exposed the abuse & neglect of insane; helped lead to mental hospitals

11 Panopticon – inmates never know when they’re being watched.
“a new mode of obtaining power of mind over mind, in a quantity hitherto without example…a mill for grinding rogues honest”

12 Women’s Rights Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Lucretia Mott
Seneca Falls Convention (1848) Mott & Stanton issued “Declaration of Sentiments” and called for women’s suffrage

13 Abolitionism Movement to end slavery
William Lloyd Garrison calls for immediate emancipation & racial equality Begins publishing The Liberator in 1831 Many early abolitionists are Quakers Belief in “inner light” Not all abolitionists agree American Colonization Movement wanted to send slaves to Africa Split over women’s participation

14 Sojourner Truth preached in support of abolition and women’s rights.
Former pres. John Quincy Adams (now in Congress) fought to debate slavery. Frederick Douglass was an escaped slave who became a famous abolitionist speaker “I appear before the assembly this evening as a thief and a robber” Sojourner Truth preached in support of abolition and women’s rights. “I have plowed, and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me – and ain’t I a women? I have borne 13 children, and seen ‘em mos’ all sold off into slavery, and when I cried out with a mother’s grief, none but Jesus heard – and ain’t I a woman?”

15 Angelina Grimké Born in the south to a prominent slaveholding family, Angelina Grimké moved to the north to distance herself from an institution she hated. When she discovered that northerners were no more sympathetic about the plight of slaves than southerners and would not give abolition a free hearing, she chose to do something about it. She toured the northeast, speaking first to groups of women and then to large mixed audiences. She capped her tour by becoming the first woman to address the Massachusetts state legislature. Her courage won new respect both for abolitionists and for women. (Library of Congress) Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

16 David Walker Advocated armed resistance to slavery & black pride
Regarding the American Colonization Society, “Let no man of us budge one step, and let slave-holders come to beat us from our country. America is more our country, than it is the whites — we have enriched it with our blood and tears.”

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