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Settled Invaders: A New Roman Empire?

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Presentation on theme: "Settled Invaders: A New Roman Empire?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Settled Invaders: A New Roman Empire?

2 Angles and Saxons

3 England Rome leaves in 300s and 400s
Huns Push the Germanic tribes east A.   Angles and Saxons move into Britain B.   Britain turns into a battle ground of invading tribes and natives (Celts/Britons) C. By A.D 600 Saxons dominate the Britons and push the Celts out

4 Tribes Unite Angles and Saxons unite with a few other tribes, party because of converting to Christianity

5 Vikings invade and bring panic and instability to the island

6 Normans Invaders from northern France, invade England and defeat Saxon rulers at the Battle of Hastings and control most of Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland)

7 Holy Roman Empire The Franks: A glimmer of light in a dark age

8 Invaders in the fifth century (400s)
Settle in the Roman Province of Gaul (modern France)

9 King Clovis ruled 481-511 Defeated rival Frankish chieftains
Eliminated the last traces of Roman Rule from Gaul Organized the Franks into a powerful Christian state

10 Charles “The Hammer” Martel
Mayor of the Palace Never formally named King Assembled a Frankish army and defeated the Muslim invaders in Spain “The Battle of Tours”- one of the most important battles ever Charles and his army saved Christianity in Europe



13 Pepin Charles’ son became King Deposed the Merovingians Kings
Blessed by the Pope - In return attacked the “heathen Lombards”

14 Charles the Great or Charlemagne: Ruled 768-814 of the Frankish Empire

15 Charlemagne Son of Pepin Great Warrior and Statesmen
Fanatical Christian- beheaded 4,500 Germans who refused to convert

16 Charlemagne continue “Father of Europe”- conquered and united lands
Encouraged Education Granted land to Nobles who supported him- began Feudal system Pope Leo III crowns Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor Problem with Byzantines - Byzantines recognize his title in 812

17 Death of Charlemagne and Decline of Charlemagne’s empire

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