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Religious Consciousness(awareness) And Belief In The One-ness Of God

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1 Religious Consciousness(awareness) And Belief In The One-ness Of God

2 What is Athesim? Some people say that there is no God because they cannot see Him. They say that the universe was created just by accident. This theory, as anybody can see, is not convincing as there are so many things which man cannot see but believes that they exist, such as air, pain, etc.

3 However, in their heart of hearts, they believe that there is some superbeing which creates and controls the world. In the communist regime in Russia their first leader Stalin fell very ill. The communist Govt who claimed that there is no God, appealed to the world on radio to make “dua” for his health. If they did not believe in God then to whom “dua” was to be made?

4 What is Polytheism? The belief that there are many Gods and their duties are divided among them is called Polytheism. This theory is also not convincing because there has to be a difference of opinion between the Gods.

5 Suppose one god says it should rain and the other gods disagree
Suppose one god says it should rain and the other gods disagree. If one of them agrees to the other, then he is not God, and if no one agrees, then, who will take the final decision?

6 Monotheism There has to be one and only one who is supreme and takes all the decisions His decisions are final. All creatures in the universe have to bow to Him so that there is total harmony (agreement) in the universe.

7 Man, from ancient past, has always been conscious(aware) of a supreme being, the Master, the Creator of all. Even the simplest, most primitive (ancient) and uncultured man knows that a person cannot be a creator of his own self, nor can create any living creature – not even a fly. There has to be a creator. There has to be a supreme being who has full control of what is happening everywhere.

8 That supreme being is Allah.
He is the creator of entire universe. His greatness cannot be compared to his creation. He is one singular God with no partners or equals. He is the creator and sustainer(پالنےوالا).

9 He is distinct from everything else.
He is the first with no beginning and the last with no end. Everything in the universe was created by His will. He is the only One who is in control and provider for His creations.

10 There is nothing worthy of worship except God
There is nothing worthy of worship except God. He and only He deserves worship. He guides humanity to what is best for them in this life and the eternal (everlasting) life hereafter.

11 Faith in Allah Having belief in the above a person should have faith that by obeying Allah’s commands Allah shall be pleased and he(the person) will be rewarded by Allah in this world and in the eternal world.

12 When true faith enters a person’s heart it positively impacts his outlook and behaviour. Our Holy Prophet(ﷺ) said: “ Faith is that which resides firmly (tightly) in the heart and which is proved by actions. ”

13 One of the striking(outstanding) effects of faith is the feeling of gratitude(thanks) towards Allah.
Believers love Allah and are grateful to Him for the blessings He gave them. They believe that whatever good deeds they do, they can never be equal to the blessings Allah showers on them.

14 So they endeavor(try) to always do good deeds to please Him
So they endeavor(try) to always do good deeds to please Him. The believers believe that any hardships coming on them are from Allah and are part of the greater test of life. If they are patient Allah will reward them.

15 Why Islam? The basic difference between Islam and other religions are that other religions(except Islam) give instructions and methods of worship(in whatever manner they think, without any guidance from Allah or His Messenger).

16 Islam not only describes in detail the methods of worship as prescribed(given) in his Holy book and taught by His Messenger but also guides as to how to live as a member of the society. It also teaches us how to perform every act in the 24 hours of the day. In short Islam teaches a complete way of life.

17 GOD Muslims have nothing in common with atheists, polytheists and those who associate (link)others with the One God. Even the simplest and uncultured man knows well that one cannot be the creator of ones own life nor , can he create any other living being .

18 There ought(has) to be a creator of all of us and the entire universe
There ought(has) to be a creator of all of us and the entire universe. Atheisim and materialism does not respond to this logic. Polytheism cannot explain the division of power between several gods. There is bound to be a difference of opinion between the gods.

19 Islamic Ideology The motto(saying) of Islam is summed up in the expression of the Quran as “well being in this world and well being in the hereafter” Islam discourages extremism in both extremes i.e the ultra-spiritualist , who renounce(give up) all worldly things and the ultra – materialist , who is engrossed( ڈوبے ہوئے) In worldly things that they do not care about others.

20 Islam can be practiced by all man kind as it is an intermediate path .
It develops both body and soul. Islam seeks to develop individuality in man.

21 It also develops social collectivity
It also develops social collectivity . Saying prayers collectively in the mosque , performance of Hajj where Muslims from all parts of the world gather together are examples of collectivity.

22 Islam unites all Muslims irrespective of race , colour , language , country of origin etc.and encourages brotherhood and tolerance.

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