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2 Big Picture: Evolution refers to an orderly succession of changes. Biological evolution is the change of populations of organisms over generations. Early scientists studied population of species over time, fossil records and geography to help understand the process of change.

3 Population and genes? Population – an inter-breeding group of organisms Genes – are passed from generation to generation within a population

4 TERMS YOU SHOULD KNOW Genotype Phenotype Alleles


6 Meiosis and fertilization
Cause genetic variation within a population

7 Evolution: history Jean Baptiste Lamarck ( ) – one of the first to propose a theory hypothesizing how species developed modifications over time.

8 Lamarck – acquired traits
Studied extensive fossil record of invertebrates Theorized that similar species descended from a common ancestor Descendents from similar but extinct species Acquired traits – proposed that behaviors caused by environmental factors lead to new and better adapted traits in the next generation of offspring Ex. giraffe’s neck and web-feet of shore birds

9 Historical Timeline: quick read
READ THE TIMELINE ON PAGES Pay special attention to Alfred Wallace- why?

10 Charles Darwin (1809-1882) Alfred Wallace (1823-1913)

11 NATURAL SELECTION organisms best suited to their environment reproduce more successfully than other organisms therefore their genes and traits get passed along to the next generation

12 Charles Darwin

13 STOP Look in your book for the answers to the questions
Then we are going to watch a short video on Darwin.

14 Descent with Modification
Newer forms of life (including those in the fossil records) are actually modified descendants of older species. The cause for the modification was natural selection – the environment selecting for favored traits over time.

15 Two major influences on Darwin:
Lyell – age of Earth, changes in Earth over time = changes in environments over time Malthus – human populations are maintained due to environmental limits – food, shelter, disease

16 Darwin’s theory Environmental conditions affect individuals in a population Environment may affect organisms differently because no two individuals are exactly the same (genetic variation)

17 Some organisms have traits that are favored because they are beneficial – these organisms tend to have a higher success in reproduction so those favorable traits get passed to their offspring

18 The organisms adapt to their environment because these traits are passed along to the next generation where the proportion of favorable genes has increased Fitness refers to the individual’s contribution to the next generation.

19 STOP Part 2 of the video on the Galapagos.
Answer the questions and pay special attention to fitness and genes being passed on.

20 Evolution is… the change in genetic makeup of a population over time. Some genes are favored to be passed along – others not as much

21 How are certain genes selected for and others not?
Selection is based on the individual – so the phenotype of an individual is selected for by nature.

22 Can an individual evolve over time?
NO! – individuals do not change – the genes you have are it! Populations evolve – not individuals!

23 Evidence for Evolution
Fossil Records Embryology Geographic Distribution Homologous and vestigial structures Similarities in macromolecules (handout)

24 Grouping of 5 experts One person will become an expert on one area of evidence. Meet as a group first – then all fossil experts will get together, embryology experts, etc. Once you have gathered sufficient info. You will return to your original group and take turns reporting on the various evidence for evolution – completing the notes.


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