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Chapter 1 – Understanding You

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1 Chapter 1 – Understanding You

2 1-1 All About You Identify the 5 factors that help make you a unique person. Describe how personality develops List ways to improve self-concept Relate self-esteem to a positive self-concept.

3 1-1 All About You Environment Heredity Personality Character Cultural
Heritage Ethnic Group Self-concept Self-esteem

4 You are a Unique Person! No _____________________________
Others are special in that they too look, think, and act differently from everyone else.

5 Heredity Heredity ______ people to be alike in many ways Tall/Short
Blonde/Black Hair

6 Inherited Traits ____________
You have little or no control over your inherited traits. These traits greatly influence the way you think, act, and look. Knowing your heredity background can help you adapt your lifestyle to help you emphasize some traits and play down some others. I.E., Study harder to develop your mental ability Dry hair – select hair care products that will make your hair more manageable

7 Your Environment Some traits are __________________________________.
Infant – no control Grow older – gain control

8 Types of Environment ________________
Composed of attitudes expressed by people around you Feelings and Beliefs of those around you You partially control this by choosing your friends. ______________ Composed of objects around you Main factor is the place where you live FARM vs. CITY Younger – little control Older – gain more control

9 Your Cultural Heritage
______________is made up of learned behaviors, beliefs, and languages passed on from generation to generation Foods you eat Holidays you celebrate Traditions you observe

10 Race & Ethnic Groups in the U.S.A.
_____________is a group of people who share common racial and/or cultural characteristics National origin Language Religion Traditions Native Americans Descended from North America European Americans Immigrated Asian Americans African Americans Hispanics or Mexican Americans

11 Your Personality ___________ is the total of all the behavioral qualities & traits that make up an individual. Way you ________ Way you relate to ______ Personality is made up of different traits (qualities that make you different from others). I.E., cheerful, cooperative, easy-going, lazy, moody, grumpy

12 Character Development
__________ refers to inner traits, such as conscience, moral values, & social attitudes. The inner you – special force that guides your conduct & behavior (right or wrong) Begins at ____________ Taught which __________ are acceptable and which are not Learn to face new situations – knowing right behaviors from wrong behaviors

13 Your Self-Concept Self-concept is _______________ _______________.
Largely _________ by people around you & the way you read their behaviors toward you.

14 Positive and Negative Self-Concept
_____________ You will see yourself as a lovable and worthwhile person You will reach out to others, expecting them to accept you ______________ You will feel uncertain You may not see yourself as lovable or worthwhile You will hesitate to reach out to others for fear of rejection

15 Improving Your Self-Concept
Be realistic about your expectations of yourself Develop your talents and abilities Look for positive relationships with others Spend time doing activities you enjoy Develop a sense of humor Liking yourself and feeling good about yourself allows your personality to grow and develop.

16 Your Self-Esteem __________is the sense of worth you attach to yourself. Taking pride in yourself and your accomplishments shows self-esteem You are a worthy person!!!

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