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Paul Butler, Exceed Teaching Schools Steven Isherwood, Parent Hub

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1 Paul Butler, Exceed Teaching Schools Steven Isherwood, Parent Hub
Parental engagement Paul Butler, Exceed Teaching Schools Steven Isherwood, Parent Hub

2 Strategic School Improvement Fund (SSIF)
£263,000 to support a cluster of Bradford primary schools KS2 Reading focus to diminish the gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers One strand: parental engagement so they can support their child at home

3 Why parental engagement?
85% of parents want to support their child’s school Interest and motivation But there are barriers 20% of parents not sure how to help but not sure how to Need to build trust: many parents didn’t have a good experience of school, for example Much already been done in schools to engage with parents Some parents are hard to reach: does technology offer part of a solution?

4 What research tells us When parents are engaged in education, outcomes for children improve: Their behaviour is better (Feinstein and Symonds 1999) They have greater confidence and self esteem (Deforges 2003) Their attendance is higher (Melhuish et al 2001) The risk of exclusion is lower (Deforges 2001) They are more keen to learn (Feinstein and Symonds 1999) They achieve better results (Feinstein and Symonds 1999) The achievement gap is reduced (DWP 2002)

5 Impact "The effect of parental engagement over a student’s school career is equivalent to adding two or three years to the student’s education" Hattie 2008

6 Effective two way communication
Parents need to understand how they can best support their child Needs to be regular opportunities for dialogue Parents need clarity on where to go for support, e.g. further support from teacher Language used has to be accessible to parents An app doesn’t replace face-to-face communication but it might complement it

7 Supporting learning at home
Home learning works best when: Parents understand what their child is learning Parents are inspired to support them at home Sign post opportunities for adult and family learning

8 Example posts Ask parents to share a story
Discuss current affairs with their child Encourage the use of a library Model how the parent can support their child, e.g. recipe to make play-do, and Explain why the activity is beneficial Help to create a home environment that promotes learning

9 Parent Hub Trialled at Copthorne Primary School at no cost to the school: use only the free functionality Your school: Opportunity for training and support funded by Exceed Teaching Schools If desirable, integration into the school management system (12 month license funded by Exceed Teaching Schools) Trial it, see if it works, consider longer term investment if benefits are demonstrated Evaluate up to March 2019

10 Next steps Discuss in school Confirm the functionality you’d like:
Free app only School management system integration Text messages Complete online form to record needs, including: Number of pupils on roll School management system Remote training Training and support for KS2 teachers and English Subject Leader Start using in summer term to help parents to support their child(ren) at home Impact measured up to March 2019

11 Project website

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