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Presentation on theme: "Colonization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonization

2 The Columbian Exchange
Columbian Exchange: Global exchange of people, plants, animals, ideas, and leading technology. Because this exchange started with Columbus, it is called the Columbian Exchange. Led to profound changes for people in Asia, the Americas, Europe, and Africa. Increased trade with colonies. Encouraged European capitalism(the investment of money to make a profit)

3 Columbian Exchange: New World and Old World Products

4 Mercantilism Using the diagram above and the political cartoon to the left, define mercantilism in your own words.

5 Mercantilism Mercantilism: a policy that involved building up wealth for the mother country (Europeans) by exporting more goods than the nation imported Colonies supplied the mother country with raw materials and served as a market for its exports (finished goods)

6 The Spanish Empire During the 1500s, the Spanish Empire stretched from California to South America and brought a great deal of wealth to the nation Spanish law that allowed its colonies to trade only with Spain Growing sugar cane on large plantations became an important business in the colonial empire Because plantations needed so many workers, the Spanish created the Encomienda System Encomienda System: system that granted conquistadors power to demand labor or tribute from Native Americans in the area

7 Encomienda System Social Classes (Social Hierarchy)
Top (Most Power/Fewest People) - Peninsulares: people born in Spain - Creoles: People of European descent born in colonies -Mestizos and  Mulattos: People of mixed European and Native descent or African/European descent  -Labor: Native Americans and People of    African Descent Bottom(Least Power/Most People)

8 Triangular Trade and Slavery
Causes: 1. Labor shortages on American plantations or large estates  2. Slave trade is a huge and profitable business Triangular Trade: Trade that involved Europe, Africa, and the Americas

9 Triangular Trade: Goods and Routes

10 The Middle Passage The Middle Passage: the voyage from Africa to the Americas on the slave ships Conditions on these ships were terrible -Hundreds of people were crammed into a single ship  -Millions of Africans died on the way from disease, brutal mistreatment, or suicide Those who survived this voyage were forced to work on plantations in the American colonies

11 Effects of the Slave Trade
By the 1800s, an estimated 11 million Africans had been sent to the Americas Slave trade caused local wars to develop in Africa African societies were deprived of the talents of strong, intelligent people (West Africa especially lost many young men and women) Some African societies and small states disappeared forever while other states formed (dependent on the slave trade) Social status became closely tied to the color of a person’s skin

12 The Middle Passage

13 Human Rights Human Rights: rights and freedoms that all humans are entitled and cannot be taken away (inalienable rights) Slavery involved a complete disregard for human rights Enslaved persons lost their freedom and could be bought and sold In the Middle Passage, enslaved people endured disease, overcrowding, and brutal mistreatment

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