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Technology in Classroom

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Presentation on theme: "Technology in Classroom"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology in Classroom
Yelena Mejova and Viet Ha Thuc

2 Some Statistics College students: 86.1% have cell phones
12% have smart phones 73.7% have laptops 69.3% visit social networking websites 58.9% use IM on a daily basis 2% prefer no technology 2.8% prefer classes taught exclusively using technology

3 Discussion What are some of the examples of technology in your fields of study? Recall a disaster (total failure) of using a technology in a classroom. What went wrong? How would you deal with it? Prepare an answer to both questions in 5 mins

4 Technology Web Software Hardware Digital Archives/libraries
/online forums Software Data analysis, simulations Digital lectures, Power Point Hardware Lab equipment

5 Tech -> Teaching Planning for a course Motivating students
Assessment Communication

6 Planning for a course Determining objectives:
referring to similar courses at other universities Choosing a textbook/other materials: wikipedia, textbook’s online resources Preparing lesson plans/slides: re-using available slides Contacting experts Creating course website

7 Free Calendar and File Managing by Google

8 Free Calendar and File Managing by Google

9 Free Course Management System

10 Activities and simulations posted by professors
Activities and simulations posted by professors

11 Amazon lists latest publications
Amazon lists latest publications

12 A Guide to Pronouncing Asian Names

13 Have you seen any other interesting tools for course planning?
Planning for a course Have you seen any other interesting tools for course planning?

14 Motivating students Videos Multimedia In-class demos Documentaries
Simulations – virtual, less risky Games In-class demos Make sure it’s safe Have a backup plan

15 Chemistry Reaction Simulation
Chemistry Reaction Simulation

16 Civilization III puts students in charge of planning, managing and competing with other civilizations. Students will learn all about different systems of government (everything from anarchy to communism), geography of the world and loads about the history of civilizations and leaders from Genghis Khan to Queen Isabella of Spain. The game challenges students to use their problem solving skills to build successful civilizations and learn what causes civilizations to rise or fall. Civilization III

17 Students will work through a number of science related problems in this game to help rescue a friend who has been kidnapped. Puzzles are based on chemistry, requiring students to learn and apply lessons about atomic structures, chemical bonding and organic chemistry. Students win motivation from the game to solve the puzzles as mysteries are slowly solved by them. Chemicus

18 Documentaries & Lectures for Teachers

19 Motivating students Video
introducing geographic system at Grand Canyon

20 Motivating students Do you know of any other interesting technologies for motivating students?

21 Assessment Electronic testing: Student Response Systems
Easier to grade multiple choice Environmentally friendly Difficult to cheat Adaptive testing Student Response Systems Easy participation Instant feedback

22 TurningPoint Audience Response System
TurningPoint Audience Response System

23 iRespond Response System
iRespond Response System

24 Communication Alternative communication channels
phone instant message online forum class webpage virtual environment Distance teaching/learning CAREFUL Follow disclosure policies & Pay attention to copyright when distributing materials

25 Virtual Classroom

26 SecondLife Virtual Environment

27 Communication Helping to effectively present lessons Power Point

28 Tech -> Classroom Pros Cons already available infrastructure
new equipment (for teacher & students) rich resources learning curve hands-on activities questionable quality prepare for future tech-rich environment plagiarism don’t let it substitute your teaching! cheap

29 Getting help University Technology Services
Instructional Design Support Plagiarism Detection Services Real Time Collaboration Environments Student Instructional Technology Assistants Student Response Systems … and more

30 Thank You! Have a nice summer!

31 Sources Online classroom.
Second Life classroom. Civilization III. UI Information Technology Services Chemicus. + see citation in note sections

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