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BOARD OF EDUCATION Romaine Graham, President Richard Williams, Vice President Luis Antilus Jamillah Beasley-McCleod Ronald J. Brown Audrey M. Lyon Melody A. Scott Joseph Sylvain Orlander Glen Vick CENTRAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Dr. Neely Hackett Superintendent of Schools Dr. April Magee Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Reginald Lamptey, CPA Assistant Superintendent for Business/Board Secretary Cherelle C. Tolor, Esq. Manager of Human Resources

Welcome to the Irvington Public School’s Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Policy and Procedures Training. My name is Mrs. Megan O’Brien, I am the Supervisor of Guidance and Anti-Bullying Coordinator. This training is mandatory for all faculty, staff, administrators, substitutes, volunteers, and vendors in order to assure all Irvington Scholars a safe environment. Everyone in the Irvington family has a responsibility to know and understand their very important role in this process. In addition to finding this training video on our district website, you will also be able to find a copy of the Power Point to utilize as a resource. Let’s start by Defining Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying also known as HIB. Irvington Public Schools HIB Training

3 Defining HIB N.J.A.C. 6A: states: “Harassment, intimidation or bullying means any gesture, any written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication, whether it be a single incident or a series of incidents that: Is reasonably perceived as being motivated by either any actual or perceived characteristic such as race, color, religion, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, or any other distinguishing characteristic. Takes place on or off school grounds, if it substantially disrupts or interferes with school operation or rights of other pupils. A reasonable person should know that the act(s) will have an effect of physically or emotionally harming a pupil or placing that pupil in reasonable fear or harm. Has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students. Creates a hostile education environment for the pupil by interfering with a pupil’s education by severely or pervasively causing physical or emotional harm.” “Harassment, intimidation or bullying means any gesture, any written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication, whether it be a single incident or a series of incidents that: Is reasonably perceived as being motivated by either any actual or perceived characteristic Takes place on or off school grounds. A reasonable person should know that the act(s) will have an significant effect. Has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students. Creates a hostile education environment for the pupil by interfering with a pupil’s education.

4 State Definition Expanded
A single incident of behavior can be construed as an act of HIB. Behavior “off school grounds” is included if it “substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of the other students”. State Definition Expanded The definition of HIB has expanded. A single incident can be construed as HIB. Behavior off school grounds is included.

5 Additional Roles for Some Staff
District Anti-Bullying Coordinator: Provides consultation to Anti-Bullying Specialists, tracks and reports HIB data, meets with School Safety and Climate Teams, and coordinates District HIB initiatives. School Level Anti-Bullying Specialist: Leads the investigations of all reported incidents of HIB and serves as the Chairperson of the School Safety and Climate Team. School Safety and Climate Team: Is mandated to be in place at each school. The Team will review HIB data to develop, foster, and maintain a positive school climate by focusing on the on-going, systemic processes and practices in the school and to address school climate issues. Multiple Staff members have been assigned roles within the district and each school. There is the district anti-bullying coordinator, school specific anti-bullying specialist, and the members of the school safety/climate team.

6 Duty to Report Mandated with Timelines
All staff, service providers, substitutes, Board Members, and volunteers who come in contact with students have a mandated duty to report incidents of HIB. This includes incidents that they witnessed or about which they have obtained reliable information. Each HIB incident must be reported in writing to the principal or designee on the day that it occurred. Report can be made electronically, verbally (and later documented), and in writing. Report can be made anonymously. Reporting procedures must be publicized on District and School websites. When reporting, it is important to use the word “bully” cautiously. No one should be labeled prior to a full and complete investigation. Focus on the observed facts of the situation, such as “I saw him or her push the child.” Remember to let the investigation reveal the scope of what happened and whether the perceived aggressor committed a harassing, intimidating, or bullying act. Falsely labeling a child can be, in some cases, harassing, intimidating, or bullying behavior. Avoid labels throughout the process. Ms. Karsen, one of our district Anti-Bullying Specialists will review the INVESTIGATION PROCESS DEFINED.

7 Investigation Process Defined
Principal or Designee receives HIB Incident Report and confers with the Anti-Bullying Specialist as to whether the reported incident is an act of HIB to be investigated. Principal or Designee calls parents to inform of the alleged HIB incident (same day of incident). Anti-Bullying Specialist begins investigation within 2 school days of the incident report. If the HIB is substantiated, victim and offender will be referred to a Health and Social Services Coordinator within 48 hours. Offender receives appropriate disciplinary action. Read slide

8 Investigation Process Defined
Anti-Bullying Specialist will: Interview all parties involved including witnesses (meet with alleged victim and aggressor separately). Provide support to alleged victim. Carefully examine the facts. Make a determination if the incident is HIB. Notify the principal of the results of the investigation using the district form. Read slide

9 Investigation Process Defined
Anti-Bullying Specialist will: Maintain confidential documentation of all witness statements, offender statements, victim statements, and all supporting documentation in a locked file cabinet labeled and placed in alphabetical order by victim. Notify Principal or designee when investigation has concluded in order to contact the parents of the alleged victim and aggressor (no details regarding names should be provided). Investigation must be completed within 10 school days of receiving the referral. Anti-Bullying Specialist will: Maintain confidential documentation of all witness statements, offender statements, victim statements, and all supporting documentation in a locked file cabinet. Notify Principal or designee when investigation has concluded in order to contact the parents of the alleged victim and aggressor (no details regarding names should be provided). Investigation must be completed within 10 school days of receiving the referral.

10 Investigation Process Defined
The building principal, as the person primarily charged with maintaining the safety of his/her school, may respond to alleged acts of HIB in accordance with the District Student Code of Conduct, offering remediation or disciplinary consequences prior to the completion of the HIB investigation. Read slide

11 Investigation Process Defined
Principal Reviews and signs the completed investigation form. Determines discipline or remedial action. Forwards district forms and supporting documentation to the District Anti-Bullying Coordinator for their review and signature. The Anti-Bullying Coordinator provides a monthly report including all investigations to the Superintendent. Read slide

12 Investigation Process Defined
Superintendent Reviews the Anti-Bullying Coordinators monthly report including each investigation. Reports the results to the BOE at the next meeting. Provides a written report to the parents of the parties involved (within five school days after the investigation results are presented to and approved by the BOE). Superintendent Reviews the Anti-Bullying Coordinators monthly report including each investigation. Reports the results to the BOE at the next meeting. Provides a written report to the parents of the parties involved.

13 Reporting Requirements
Data on reported incidents of HIB will be provided to the Board of Education and the community at a public hearing, which will be held twice a year, between September 1 and January 1 and between January 1 and June 30. The Superintendent will also report on all acts of violence and vandalism at these meetings. Read slide

14 Reporting Requirements
HIB information shall be reported via the NJ Department of Education School Safety Data System (SSDS) once during each reporting period between September 1 and January 1 and between January 1 and June 30. Department of Education will issue HIB grades to each school and the district. Read slide

15 Appeal Process Parents/Guardians
May request an appeal no later than 60 calendar days after receiving written notice of the outcome of the investigation. Appeals should be directed to the Board of Education. An appeal request must occur no later than 60 calendar days after receiving written notice of the outcome of the investigation. All appeals must be directed to the Board of Education.

16 Is it HIB? Is there an actual or perceived distinguishing characteristic? Race; Gender; Sexual Orientation; Religion; Ancestry; National Origin; Gender Identity; Mental, Physical or Sensory Disability; Distinguishing Characteristic. What are actual distinguishing characteristics? Birthmark, weight, hair texture. What are perceived distinguishing characteristics? Promiscuity, family income. AND Is there a perceived or real imbalance of power? It is everyone’s duty to report the same day the concerning behavior is observed or the information is shared with you by the scholar. Do not place this information in an or voic . It is important to report this directly to the principal or their designee. They will confer with the anti-bullying specialist to determine if a written referral should be made. You will not have to decide if it is HIB. That will be the duty of the anti-bullying specialist but answering these questions will guide you throughout your work with our scholars regarding what should be reported.

17 Is it HIB? If an actual or perceived characteristic is identified and there is an imbalance of power, there is strong evidence of a HIB incident Another factor must be considered when the incident occurs off of schools grounds: Does the behavior “substantially disrupt or interfere with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of the other students?” Understanding what can possibly be classified as harassing, intimidating, or bullying can guide us as we work to maintain safety in our schools.

18 Three different Scenarios
Pablo The two girls on Social Media The 504 Plan When watching the first scenario regarding Pablo, consider that the circumstances in which he is being targeted are not within his control. The second scenario involves two female scholars. While we set a strong model for behavior, we know that young people across the country do not always use kind and proper language with each other but is it HIB? In the final scenario, we must consider whether this young man is being targeted due to a disability or personal characteristic or is this just mean and insensitive behavior.


20 What do you think? Can Pablo control his economic circumstances? His poverty and resulting clothing choices are out of his control. The students have crossed a line. This is considered HIB. While we never condone inappropriate language, when it is used, does that mean it is always HIB? Sometimes are scholars use inappropriate language. In this case, this was a matter of friends losing their temper combined with inappropriate language. Was the young man targeted due to his 504 Plan or a personal characteristic? Based on the information, he was not targeted but rather in the wrong place at the wrong time. Can Pablo control his economic circumstances? No, his poverty is out of his control. This is considered HIB. While we never condone inappropriate language, when it is used, does that mean it is always HIB? This was a matter of friends losing their temper. Was the young man targeted due to his 504 Plan or a personal characteristic? Based on the information, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

21 Is it HIB? Normal Conflict Bullying Equal power - relationship
Real or perceived imbalance of power Accidental Purposeful “Mutually” competitive or opposing action or engagement (includes arguments and fights) One-sided Equal emotional reaction Strong emotional reaction from victim; little or no reaction from offender Not seeking power, attention or material things Seeking power and control, often aggressive. Seeking material things or popularity Remorse-takes responsibility No remorse, often manipulative Conflict is regularly mistaken as harassing, intimidating, and bullying. This is just one of the reasons it is important to NOT label a student. When we observe a situation and are concerned for a students safety, we want to report the facts and avoid labels and names. Labels and names can make a challenging situation more challenging. In the example where the student posted on Social Media, once we understood everyone’s involvement, it became clear that the scenario was conflict rather than HIB. Not every insensitive or unkind choice is harassment, intimidation, or bullying. Regardless, “if it’s mean, intervene.”

22 Prevention Positive Classroom Environment Focus on Relationship Themes
Student Engagement Relevant and Rigorous Instruction PBSIS Staff Presence If it’s mean, intervene! Be sure to provide the appropriate support and response for each and every student at the time of a potential incident. You will want to make sure to capture important teachable moments.

23 Range of Remedial Measures
Counseling Restitution and Restoration Mediation Behavioral Assessment Behavioral Management Plan There are a range of supports the Principal and Anti-Bullying specialist have at their disposal to support the each and every student involved.

24 Bystander/Retaliation
District policy provides that a student may be found to have committed an act of HIB without being the one who performed the overt act. If the aggressor retaliates against the victim or witness who reported an incident of HIB, he or she is subject to the same or higher level of consequence than was given for the original incidence of HIB. We have to educate students regarding the role of the bystander. Ask your students, as a bystander, did you attempt to stop the situation and get help or did you support the situation allowing a potential harassing, intimidating, or bullying behavior to continue. As a bystander, students can be implicated in a potential HIB by allowing it to occur or continue. Instead we want students to be upstanders! We want students to stand up for what is right and support their fellow student in order to create a safe environment for everyone. If an aggressor retaliates or threatens the victim or witness, they can be subject to a higher level of consequence than was give for the original concern.

25 Promoting a Positive Culture in Our Schools
Awareness of the HIB policy and procedures Annually disseminate HIB Policy and school procedures to parents, students, and staff. Post HIB Policy and Anti-Bullying Specialist information on district and school websites. Provide HIB training to parents and volunteers. Student awareness and HIB intervention During the first weeks of school provide classroom and/or small group assemblies to train students on HIB. Schedule Week of Respect activities as well as National Violence Awareness Week, No Name Calling Week, Mix It Up at Lunch Day, National Suicide Prevention Week, and Red Ribbon Week. Promoting a Positive culture in our schools is everyone’s responsibility whether you are a volunteer, faculty, staff, substitute, parent, guardian, or scholar. We all play an important part in keeping our scholars safe.

26 Getting the Word Out The principal must ensure that all staff members are trained and familiar with the HIB policy and school procedures. Principal must submit a signed form to the Superintendent attesting to the fact that all staff members in the building have been trained. All staff members are mandated reporters and subject to disciplinary action for failure to report an incidence of HIB to the Principal or designee. Viewing today’s video is just the first step to assure everyone is doing their part. Remember, all faculty, staff, substitutes, volunteers, vendors have a responsibility to report potential concerns regarding HIB.

27 Getting the Word Out Include in Student Handbook
Include on school and district websites Distribute information to staff, students, and parents. Post information in the building and have available in Administrative and Parent Coordinator’s offices. Train new staff throughout the school year. You will find information regarding HIB in multiple locations. The website provides everyone access to the documents necessary to report concerns.

REMEMBER... IF IT IS MEAN, INTERVENE! IF YOU SEE IT OR HEAR IT YOU MUST REPORT IT! Special thanks to each of our Anti-Bullying Specialists! If it is mean, intervene! If you see it or hear it, you must report it. Remember, family looks out for and cares for each other. Make sure we are all doing our part to keep our scholars safe.

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