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Myersville Planning Commission

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1 Myersville Planning Commission
Recommended- Text amendments to land use, subdivision and zoning regulations

2 Why Modify the code? Outdated regulations
Drafted during different eras by different parties Outdated best practices Deficiencies in current regulations not addressed by Code Improve clarity for understanding and compliance

3 Grammatical changes, standardization, & updated references
Grammatical changes to misspelled words, punctuation, and case-sensitive references Standardization of terms, references, titles, and procedures across several sections of Code and several eras of time; Example: Myersville Comprehensive Plan vs. Town Master Plan Updated County, State, and Federal references within the Code.

4 Removal of code that promotes “loop holes” & “spot exceptions”
§ Preliminary Plat – No longer permitted to extend “grandfathered plan approvals” indefinitely and without good and substantial reasons § – No longer providing opportunity for Planning Commission to approve “spot” variations for “self contained developments”. § – No longer providing “hardship variances” for developments to allow those developments to not meet the Town Code

5 Living Documents incorporated
Reference Myersville Planning Review Checklist to replace specific requirements for planning office submittals Replace certain specific street design standards with the most recently published AASHTO guidelines

6 Re-vamping of specific street requirements for new development
Recognize proposed alleys as public roads with specific design standards: previously required in some instances but not recognized within the requirements table or Code Provide specific standards unique for townhome developments: 24’ public row widths where parking stalls are provided to meet parking requirements. Specific standards for street lights as required public infrastructure Updated specific standards for alleys, local streets, collector streets and associated row: no longer based on density of residential dwelling units

7 Elimination of duplicate & contradicting code
Elimination of Zoning Code in Subdivision Regulations Inter-Code references added to increase the cohesive nature and clarity of Town Code Revisions to contradictory Code within Subdivision Regulations or with Zoning Regulations

8 Recognition of how the process & municipal government currently works
Modifications to allow Planning Office Staff to review Forest Conservation Plans Modification to open space requirements to require REAL open space for dedication to the Town, and less “junk property” gifts and private parks without plans for maintenance Modifications to allow single family development including townhomes and duplexes to back out into a public row, as seen in most other jurisdictions

9 Questions?

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