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Ancient Africa Geography

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1 Ancient Africa Geography
Trade routes Ancient Africa Geography

2 "Our history did not begin in chains." -Malcolm X

3 Is Africa a country or a continent?

4 There are Seven Continents
Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia.

5 AFRICA is a HUGE continent
AFRICA is a HUGE continent. It’s almost 4 times the size of the United States. It has rainforests, grasslands, miles and miles of coastline on the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and is home to the largest desert in the world, the Sahara Desert. Today, over 1000 languages are spoken in Africa. In Ancient times, Africa was the home of some of the most advanced civilizations in the world.”

6 Africa’s Geography Africa is the second largest continent (Asia is the largest) From North to South, Africa is 5,200 miles. If you started in Alaska, you would have to travel down the coast of the United States, through Mexico, and all the way into Central America to travel 5200 miles. Three times the size of the continental Unites States

7 Rivers Africa has five huge river systems. The biggest three, in order of size, are the Nile, the Congo, and the Niger.

8 Oceans The Atlantic Ocean borders Africa to the west
The Indian Ocean borders Africa to the east The Mediterranean borders Africa to the North

9 Neighbors Closest Neighbors= Europe and the Middle East
Until the Suez canal was built in the 20th century, Africa was connected to the Middle East by a natural land bridge. If you look on some small maps, it looks like Africa is also connected to Europe by a land bridge. This is not so. At its most narrow point, where these two continents are close together, there is still about a 30-mile gap of water at the Strait of Gibraltar, the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea.

The Ancient Romans called the continent Africa from the Latin word aprica meaning sunny…. The geography and climate of Africa greatly influenced where and how cities were formed, the culture of its people, and the ways in which people lived. How might geography affect how people lived in Africa?

11 Africa has several climate zones including the Desert, The Mediterranean, the Rain Forest, and the Savannah. The Mediterranean area of Africa has a mild climate and is good for growing crops. A very small portion of Africa, around the Atlas Mountains in the northwestern portion, is classified as Mediterranean. Vegetation Zones Africa has several vegetation zones including Desert, Rain Forest, and the Savannah/grassland. The Mediterranean area of Africa has a mild climate and is good for growing crops. A very small portion of Africa, around the Atlas Mountains in the northwestern portion, is classified as Mediterranean.

12 Mediterranean Climate
Atlas Mountains Atlas Mountains Mediterranean Climate AFRICA

13 It is true that Africa has a Rainforest
It is true that Africa has a Rainforest. It is situated on either side of the equator and is in the middle of Africa around the Congo Basin. The Congo River runs through it. The Rainforest is also a very small portion of Africa. It is true that Africa has a Rainforest. It is situated on either side of the equator and is in the middle of Africa around the Congo Basin. The Congo River runs through it. The Rainforest is also a very small portion of Africa.

14 The Rain Forest AFRICA The Rain Forest

15 The desert covers 1/4th of the land in Africa
The desert covers 1/4th of the land in Africa. For many years people in this area did not know how to navigate the Sahara Desert and chose to stay along the eastern coastline when traveling. For a long time only nomads knew the ways through the Sahara. The African Desert The desert covers 1/4th of the land in Africa. For many years people in this area did not know how to navigate the Sahara Desert and chose to stay along the eastern coastline when traveling. For a long time only nomads knew the ways through the Sahara.

16 desert desert AFRICA

17 The Sahara desert is dangerous
The Sahara desert is dangerous. In fact is commonly called the valley of death or “death road”. There is scorching heat, little water, and dangerous sand storms. It is also easy for people to lose their way. The Sahara desert is dangerous. In fact is commonly called the valley of death or “death road”. There is scorching heat, little water, and dangerous sand storms. It is also easy for people to lose their way.

18 A teacher named Hans Vischer explored the area in 1906 outlining the more than 1500 miles of the worlds largest desert. No European had ever done this before. A teacher named Hans Vischer explored the area in 1906 outlining the more than 1500 miles of the worlds largest desert. No European had ever done this before.

19 The savannah The savannah
The Savannah covers most of Africa. Rain in this area is unpredictable, but does provide enough moisture to produce a Grassland. This area is good for raising animals. In ancient times, the people of the Savannah were hunters and gatherers.

20 The Savannah The Savannah AFRICA


22 Africa: Vegetation Zones/ Climate Zones

23 Regions of Africa Regions: North Africa, West Africa, East Africa, Central Africa, and Southern Africa. Each region is unique and has it’s own identity. 650 million of Africa’s 800 million people live south of the Sahara. Divided into more than 800 ethnic groups, each with it’s own language, religion, and culture. Regional differences contribute to the diversity of African peoples. Rich in natural resources, but unevenly distributed


25 The Great Rift Valley Split along East that extends 4,000 miles
Plates of Earth’s crust have moved apart, volcanic activity created Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Kenya

26 The Sahara Desert Largest desert in the world
covers ⅓ of the continent of Africa Can you imagine a desert that runs from New York City to Los Angeles? One of the hottest places on earth. During the day= 130 Degrees F Average rainfall= 3 inches per year There are many Oasis in the Sahara, but the Sahara is so big that you might have to travel a day or even weeks to reach one

27 The Sahara Desert- Sea of Sand
The use of camels as a transportation vehicle changed everything in Africa. In ancient times, Egypt and Kush did very little trade with West Africa. They heard that West Africa had wonderful things: gold, salt, iron The problem was that they could not get there. The Sahara Desert was in the way, and it was huge.

28 Desertification Process by which land becomes increasingly dry until almost no vegetation grows on it, making it a desert

29 Desertification 3 Big Problems associated with it
How? Natural forces and human action put land at risk. Grazing herds destroy the roots of the grasses, so the thin layer of topsoil turns to dust. i Desertification Big Problems associated with it Famine, leads to no crops to eat cause no water for plants, poor soil Conflict Migration


31 African Trade Routes African Trade Routes

32 It’s important to understand the geography of Ancient Africa in order to understand how the Trade Routes of Ancient Africa formed. We know that the Desert was dangerous and there were few places for people to grow crops. Because of this people searched for better places to settle. It’s important to understand the geography of Ancient Africa in order to understand how the Trade Routes of Ancient Africa formed. We know that the Desert was dangerous and there were few places for people to grow crops. Because of this people searched for better places to settle.

33 Camels- Ships of the Desert
750 CE, Islamic traders began to use camels to transport goods across the desert. The use of camels made it possible to get from Kush/Egypt to West Africa. Camels can carry heavy loads, keep their footing in sliding sand, and go a long time without water. Caravans of camels, sometimes up to 1000, were loaded with trade goods.

34 Camels- Ships of the Desert
The day the first caravan of camels headed west into the Sahara desert was the day that marked the opening of the Trans-Sahara Trade Route.

35 Rumors spread across the Sahara Desert where life was hard
Rumors spread across the Sahara Desert where life was hard. People heard of great lands of gold. Also, people from other parts of the world, mainly people from the Middle East and Asia, started traveling to Africa in search of gold. Rumors spread across the Sahara Desert where life was hard. People heard of great lands of gold. Also, people from other parts of the world, mainly people from the Middle East and Asia, started traveling to Africa in search of gold.

36 As people started to explore Africa, trading routes were formed
As people started to explore Africa, trading routes were formed. At first, they traded salt and cloth. As they traded the empires of Ghana, Mali, Songhai, Axum, and Great Zimbabwe were formed. As people started to explore Africa, trading routes were formed. At first, they traded salt and cloth. As they traded the empires of Ghana, Mali, Songhai, Axum, and Great Zimbabwe were formed.

37 Ghana Mali Songhai Ghana Mali Songhai Axum Great Zimbabwe

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