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Pencil crayon and sharpie

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1 Pencil crayon and sharpie
Rose window project Pencil crayon and sharpie

2 Rose windows

3 Rose window design elements
Choose a theme for your design (oceans, space, dogs, etc.) You will be creating a “slice” of the total design and then will photocopy the design to complete the circle In your design you must have the following: 3 continuous elements done in black 2 continuous spaces left white A balanced amount of positive and negative space 50% 2 shapes that stand alone A good variety of line (thick, thin, solid, broken, etc.)

4 instructions Choose a theme and draw your rough copy in your sketchbook following the rules for what to include in your drawing as seen on the previous slide. Choose colours that complement your design. Start your good copy on the blank handout with the empty “slice” drawn on it. Use a pencil and draw very lightly so that you barely see it. Make sure your design stays inside the lines and that your design lines up on both sides to match the deigns to the next slice like the butterfly does on the exemplar. Measure it with a ruler. Go over all the lines with the black pens. Fill in black areas with a sharpie marker. Do touch ups as needed. Do not cut out the good copy. Keep it in one piece and we will use it to photocopy the other pieces for our rose windows Using a full sheet of black Bristol board, cut out your slices and start to place them down to create a circle before gluing them down. Once everything is in the right place start to glue the pieces down one by one until you have completed the circle. Then colour your design to complete your rose window

5 Rose window rubric RUBRIC
The student demonstrates a (limited/moderate/considerable/high) balance of positive/negative space. Knowledge and Understanding The student demonstrates a (limited/moderate/considerable/high) variety of line use. The student uses elements and principles of design and techniques to produce a rose window with a (limited/moderate/considerable/high) degree of detail. Thinking and Inquiry The student communicates his/her chosen theme with a (limited/moderate/considerable/high) degree of consistency. Communication The rose window matches up and is completed with a (limited/moderate/considerable/high) degree of attention to presentation. Application

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